Secret's out

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Elly and I got along well...Not that much . Every time we're together , I just stand there and say nothing . Like a dummy .
School was really turning around for me . I spend sleepless nights thinking of our little awkward moments together and hoping the sun rises again so I can rush to school .

Mark stopped bothering me with girl talks and started chasing them . Joshua has become friends with two seniors and follows them most of the time . Especially when their classes are close to each other .

Meanwhile...I'm still daydreaming about Elly and I actually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend . Sometimes it feels like this dream is going to come true .

While I was wishing all this dreaming would come true one day , something else turned up in the dorm . It was totally unexpected and surprising...

" Yo Peter " Isaac called . He's a skinny dark guy who's not very good in English or talking , or behaving well...he's just weird . He once urinated in his pyjamas...


It was almost 6am and the boys were getting ready for school . Some were still asleep in their beds without a clue of what's going on . Other boys were just stubborn . They are the legends who decide to take baths at 7am in the morning when we're all supposed to be out of the dorm and on our way to school .

The legends will be in the bath house bathing when all doors are being locked . They have a habit of driving the house master crazy . " HEY ! HEY ! who are those still bathing !? " Mr Christian Awumi AKA K-Jay would shout . He's our housemaster . The most revered and feared in school . " Where's the house prefect ? Go and lock them UP!!! "

now where was I ?... Yes . Almost 6am and I was all dressed up for school . " Peter . Come look " Armstrong whispered . " Follow me " . He looked serious . We slowly sneaked to Isaacs bedside and then..." hihihi " Armstrong laughed silently at Isaac . He was lying in a pool . His bed was soaked in what appeared to be urine .

" Hahaha " I couldn't stop myself from laughing . Not even for a second . I mean the guy peed and still doesn't even realize it . How embarrassing .


He was actually the first friend I in school . I didn't choose him . He was just so...clingy . Always following me around making the impression that he was my best friend but he wasn't . Now we're not even like friends anymore since I barely see him all speak to him a lot . I was always busy hanging out with Mark who's also turning out to be something else .

" Yh " I slipped my hand into my white sleeves and tacked into my khaki trousers . " There's a senior looking for you in house 3 " Isaac said . " Okay "

I wonder who's looking for me and why ?

I followed Isaac and knocked on their door . " Come in " The senior relaxing on the top bed signalled . " Hey peter come here " " Hey don't mind him . Come here " . My name was being called from every direction .

What is going on here ? Why is everybody calling me ? Did I do something wrong ? Whatever it is...I wanna find out .

A familiar looking senior sat on a chair in his boxer shorts . He's the one who Elly is mostly around . That bugs me a lot but he's a senior so...he might not be into her . It's hard to tell .

I waited for him to tell me why I was called but another senior chipped in with a question I never expected to hear .
" What's your girlfriend's name ? "
The whole room went silent .

Woah . That came out of nowhere . All eyes were set on me .

" w_what are you talking about ? "

That's it for this chapter guys . Thanks for reading . Next chapter will be out soon .

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