A feeling of jealousy

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" Okay " Mr Henry nodded as he took the list from my cold shaking hands and pushed it under a book on his table . My work was done  . My day could've gone better but life had to give me a final test before I go home .

She was still with me and I had no clue what to do or say .

" The sculpture " my inside voice spoke to me ... So glad to hear from him again . Just what I needed as an excuse .

A Second year student gave me a sculpture to submit in case his teacher asked for it . I'm gonna look for that teacher now . It's the right excuse to get moving .

But it didn't work that well for me , unfortunately . Couldn't find the teacher and I was stuck with the girl .

School's over . I should be in the firm by now but I'm here with a girl I just met and I can't get away . We walked past the summer hut and three girls approached us . 

I noticed one was my classmate but I didn't know her name either .
" Elly " one girl called .

Oh so her name's Elly...I was wondering how I was gonna ask for her name but guess that's no longer  necessary .

hat's Elly full for  anyway ?

Me minding my own business and paying no attention to them , I hear Elly mention my name..." This is Peter...he's my friend "

Oh wow oh wow...that was fast . Her friend . so we're friends now . I did not expect that . Well...I was kinda hoping that would happen .

I stood taking only few seconds glance at the faces of the girls and feeling awkward at the same time .

Damn it ! What am I even doing here ?
I'm standing with a girl I hardly know or have anything to do with ...She's just talking to her friends and I'm... I'm so confused . Why am I still with her ?

I want to leave but something is stopping me . Something is holding me back .

I fake smiled as I tried to find a possible way to get away ." What're you holding ? " The dark - skinned girl asked , looking directly at what I had in my hands .
" it's a sculpture . I have to submit it " I proudly said . " can we see ? " they said in unison .

A huge part of me wanted me to show them...but it don't sound like a good idea . I show to them , they be like ' aaaw ' then touch it , then next thing I know..they break it .

" pleeeeeeeaaaase "they made that persuasive cries repeatedly .

Pfst..girls . They always have a way of getting boys to fall off their feet .
You do what they want and it seems right at the moment... Then regret later .

Guess what ? I'm not that kinda guy .

I began to unravel the black bag that covered the sculpture .

So I guess I am that kinda guy ?...Elly's gorgeous smile and pretty eyes were seductive enough .

They wowed in awe with attempts to touch it " it's not mine tho " I said quickly . The sculpture was a naked lady and I did not want to take credit for that .
Especially when it's in front of girls .

I watched as a short dark boy joined in on the conversation . Apparently , he knew Elly and the other three averagely pretty girls . Honestly...Elly's the prettiest..way way prettier .

My heart slowed down as I heard her laugh with that boy .
Me standing there and having not going on in my head , the boy looked at me with a friendly grin " Yo sup " " cool bruh " I responded with a boy handshake . A palms embracing each other with a loud sound .

I like him already . He seems like a cool guy .

He then went back to talking with Elly then they both started laughing again and I got no clue why or even what they're saying .
It's hard to hear anything when your heart is beating in a way that you can't hear anything but only the sound of it praising his beautiful this girl is .

The sweet musical sound that your heart makes when it meets someone so so unique in beauty .

The world goes silent and dark and her beauty is the only thing that gives light .
My mind and heart getting dragged into another musical emotion .
The song plays in my head again .

" I'm looking at an angel...and believe me when I tell you .
She's got the whole place  glowing..."

" she looked at me , took me by surprise "

She really did take me by surprise with those amazingly cute eyes .

I got dragged out of my musical dream world and back to reality by their ongoing laughter .
I smiled like I knew what was going on then noticed the guy hold her hand .
The edges of my lips became heavy and made smiling the most difficult thing all of a sudden  . It's like my mind didn't want me to smile anymore .

God now I can't even fake my smile ?! F**k what's wrong with me ?

I don't understand this feeling... Like I  want to cry but I can't . No...it makes no sense . They're just holding hands . Jealously? Impossible !
This makes no sense !...I've only met Elly for an hour and now I'm jealous ?
There's no reason to be jealous at all .

" It's not like I like her or anything so how come ? Why should I be jealous ? " I whispered to myself . I shut my eyes then opened again , knocking that crazy thought out completely . Still...that strange feeling didn't want to go away . It wouldn't as long as they kept holding hands .

I don't even know her . I literally just found out her name . I left their company and headed under my usual spot under the trees . The one closer to the summer hut . Where I'd stand alone at night whenever there's school night partying ( entertainment ) .

Finally alone again . " Peter ' She appeared out of nowhere .

She followed me again ?

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