*chapter 2*

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The prince hummed with content as he woke up from his peaceful sleep. The birds chirp outside the open window as if wishing him a very good morning. He glanced out the window and the sun shone in his eyes.

He don't like mornings though but today it was different.

It's the special day. He has been looking forward to this day from his very childhood. A day which was ought to come. The day everyone prepared him for. Today is the day when he would be the person of his dreams.

A king.

It's going to be a good day for him and for all the people. Every women dream is going to be true today.

He shuffled off the bed almost ignoring the soft- smooth naked body beneath the sheets. But she soon realise the loss of his warmth and moaned in complain.

The Prince spare a side glance at her  as she sat up on his red velvety bed covered in blood red blankets.

"Your highness." she lowered her head and bite her lip as she feel shy remembering the last night. He too got a quick flashback of the night before. Something churn inside him. The night wasn't that bad actually. If we judge it on the basis of her screams, it would be counted in good ones for sure. 

That was a really good night for both of them actually.

But now he has something big to think about. Now he has a kingdom to rule. He can't loose control. Even if this seductress tried her best. He shrug away the thought of going back in the bed with her but she had something else in mind. He noticed as she get up from the bed as naked as she was beneath the sheets and the blood red sheets pooled around her feet. If she thought her long black hair are going to hide her parts from his gimlet eyes then surely she was mistaken.  Her hair betrayed her and give him the glance of the sight that had him in heaven last night.

He closed his eyes and mentally dismissed the thoughts away while he turn  around to face the mirror. The first thing he noticed in the mirror was his companion of last night.

This is not going to get over soon. He knew she was different but he didn't know he would be this addicted. He closed his eyes and give himself last chance to back off.

"Your highness. Can I do something for you? " the seductive voice of the seductress drive a rush in his blood.

"Later. I have a kingdom to rule."

The Prince glare at the mirror. He knew too well that he has a kingdom to rule now and he have to stop these little games and think about his kingdom now.

"Your highness. You look troubled I can help you in that. " a soft hand glides up at the hard muscles of back of the Prince.

"Last night was all you had with me. And that night is over. " he stop the hand which was coming around his abdomen.

"It's us who decides if we want the night to be over or not." She planted a soft kiss at his shoulder.

Last time somebody defied him is still in cell.

"It's the king who get to decides. " he remove her away in a swift motion.

"And I'm the king now." Then he motion Ariana to leave.


The streets were decorated and people were waiting for their prince. Their soon to be king. Their former king is good and nice but people still have complaints. Some love him and some hates him. Some envy him because they want his place. The cold demeanour of the prince give them all a benefit of doubt. They all remember when he was young he was heart of the Kingdom and he had fight battles with his father for the Kingdom. But they all had also witness what he had done to the enimies. How cruel he had been to those who even looked up bad way towards their kingdom. They knew him and his ways but they also know that he will do what's best for our Kingdom. They all have hope and they all have trust. Now it's on their actions how much he cares for them.

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