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The air was thick and so was his arms around. I just wanted to melt down like jelly.  Am I drunk or something?  Maybe there's drugs in the air.

It must be. It should be. Otherwise why would I be thinking like that.

"If you want we can share her together mate?" Asher offered holding his hand out like initiating a friendship.

Randhir smiled down at me.

"Can you stand there, love?" He pointed out a little away from him.


Did he just called me love?

That was just an endearment right?

He didn't mean it sanyukta. He didn't mean it.

I nod before stepping out of his warm arms. When I was at safe distance he nod at me before looking back at Asher.

I was eager to see what's heist going to do and when I looked around I found that every one around us was equally interested.

In my peripheral vision a saw a sudden moment.

Did the Prince just smite Asher straight in his jaw?

By the way Asher went flying back on the ground, I knew he did.

"I don't think she would like to be shared with someone with a broken jaw." Randhir squat down closer to Asher fallen body while he was struggling to get up.

"I will ruin your whole life. " Asher warned, still struggling to get up.

"Best of luck for that." Randhir patted Asher shoulder and stand up. Then he turn to me and forward his palm to me. 

And guess who was delighted to be hold by those warm secure hands?

Exactly. That's me.

We didn't look back at Asher after that, I was just too busy in looking in prince's  dark eyes. His eyes seems to smiling down at me.

"You alright, love? "

Thousands of butterfly erupted inside me like volcano.

Do I nod? Or do I sigh in content? Or should I tell him that his endearment is turning me insane?

I simply just stand there holding his palm in front of him.

"Let's go home " he murmured after realising that I'm taking too much time to respond. He lead the way and I followed him like a puppy.

The crowd cleared our way. We were just about to turn around the corner when we heard

"It's not over yet. You will regret this."

That was a painful voice but we both didn't even looked back.

Turns after turns. Streets after streets.

Finally the palace began to came in view.

We both didn't said a word but our hands are still joined.

What I'm doing?

I know if this continue I'm going to be trapped badly. It's only me who is going to be hurt in the end.

Now I was in a deiliema. Either I should save my future self from being hurt or I can live in present heartily because it's gonna be end one day.

"I'm going to the royal court first through front door. Need to handle something. You can go and rest. " he murmured and left. I was left cold and without a chance to argue.

I huffed at him and walked to back door.

"The Prince has been asking for you. " one of the guard almost made me  jump in surprise.

Another guard joined

"He got bored and missed his entertainer for the month." Another one said and laughed

I was too tired to argue right now.

"We have to tell the Prince how late you returned " the first guard said.

"Or we can settle it down in the basement." The other guard chipped and I cringed.

"We will try to be gentle. " they both laughed and I close my eyes to collect the left patience I have.

"I won't be gentle. AT All." there was a loud voice behind me which made me turn.

Randhir was back to my side but still in normal clothes.

"Don't worry mate,  we will let you see." The first guard said and got a punch straight into his guts. The second one tried to step ahead but one look from randhir and he coward back.

Randhir took hold of my arm and drag me toward the room.

The hold on my arm was so tight that it began to hurt.

"You are hurting me " I let it out after waiting for him to leave me.

He didn't let go. 

He is weird and God knows he will turn me insane.

Once we reached inside his room, he locked the door.  That's when he leave my arm and went straight to remove the fake moustaches and the clothes that covered his upper body. 

Gosh. Is it full moon or something?  Because I think he is turning into a beast.

He poured a glass of wine and gulped it down. But the most intense part was when his eyes didn't leave mine the whole time.

I stand there where I was. Paralysed. Rubbing my arm. While he stand right across me gulping down his wine.

He looked angry. But I know it wasn't directed towards me.

His chest moves with every breath he took. It was difficult to look away.

A drop fell down from corner of his mouth. Sliding down to his chin, down to the chest and then the abs.

Look away. Look away. For God's sake look away sanyukta.

"Don't look at me like that, love. " again that name. This time it created goosebumps all over my body.

"Because you won't like what I would do next. " he finished his glass.

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