*chapter 21*

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I keep standing there motionless trapped in his grip. His hale grip which will leave a bruise. She couldn't look up. She was guilty but she deserves to explain herself. She deserve to be listen. She look up at him and found him seething in anger. She changed her mind to explain.

"Why are you saving me?" I finally collect my courage to ask.

But I didn't get any response. Everything remain same. I don't think he is going to respond so I tried to free my hand from his grip. 

Instead of leaving my arm he snatched me to him.

"I'm not saving you. I'm giving you a chance to save yourself. " he clenched his jaw.

"Save myself?  From whom? you? " I asked him confusingly. If he wanted to kill me I would have been dead. I am still alive that means he want something from me.

"Save yourself and prove your worth. Prove that you deserve to be in royal court. Prove to all that woman place is not only in the kitchen. It's not about me being worthy to be a king anymore but it's about proving your worth to yourself.  You said woman are suffering in my Kingdom.  So now prove that woman worth being treated differently." He finished and leave my hand.

I could feel the blood running back to my fingers. I could also see imprint of his fingers on my wrist.

"What if I fail to do so?" I asked timidly. Not sure anymore why I'm doing it.

"What's the worse do you think I can do?" He asked, his voice mocking me.

"Something very bad." I whispered

"Very bad like?" His smirk was mocking me again.

"Please. Don't hurt my family. " I almost pleaded.

"Your family has nothing to do with your lie. They don't deserve punishment. " he looked away.

"But if I have to punished them to punish you, it's worth it." He declared when his eyes catch mine.

I couldn't speak anymore. I can't think clear.


I was sitting quietly in my room when I felt thirsty. But I didn't have the courage to go out now. I kept sitting in that small room I was given. It was dark and I couldn't breath properly.  But it's lot better than the reality outside.

I have laid this pillow of lies for myself now I have to sleep on the same.  I deserve to be treated like that. Now I have to do it. I can't run away. I have to win every challenge he throw at me. I have to prove myself.  I'm not doing it for myself I'm doing it for every woman and I can't back off.

I promise myself that I will do my best in every possible way and I won't give up until I prove my worth to him.

Suddenly two man enter in with some documents in their hands.  They had a mocking smile on their faces.

"Read them if you can. These are royal court documents, revenues, financial and agricultural records. " he said "if you need any kind of help. ..." he laughed "then don't ask anybody because we aren't allowed to help you." They both laughed and left.

I stare at the big red blocks of books. I remember when baba used to bring them home to analyse records.

There was somebody on the door again. Maybe the members came again to mock me but when I look up I found the one and only queen.

"Your highness!" I wished and get up on my feet.

"I knew you are a trouble." She taunted and made a face like I'm the most disgusting thing she had ever seen.

I haven't done anything wrong to her.

Then she throw a little red clothed bag toward me.

"It has money more than you have ever dreamed for." She said and look around. "Take and leave. " she ordered

I kept silent without saying anything. I just close my eyes and waited for her to finish. But when she didn't said anything I realised that she was finished. But I'm so done with them.

"I don't think that's enough. " I told her and step back towards the small window. 

"How much do you want? Was her question.

"I don't think you can give what I want. " I replied

I could feel anger radiating off from her.

"How dare you do talk to your queen like that?" She shouted at behind me ..

"I must be deserving a punishment then." I told her but I knew nothing could be worse than what I'm already in.

"Right. But you will be punished for sure. And you will punish yourself.  We will meet the day when you will proof that it was nice for woman to remain in kitchen only. " she said and turn to knave.

"I can see you are eager for that day." I said.

"Why I wouldn't be?" The Queen smiled. So I just smiled and replied..

"They said a woman is a woman's worst enemy. I never realised how true it was."

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