Do You Need A Nanny?

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Charlotte McGill.

"Marcus Harrison, how are you? I'm so pleased to see you." George's walked past me towards Marcus. I stayed at my place and played with my bracelet, I wonder why I feel so nervous around him.

"I'm good. It's weird not to have you in meetings anymore. But, we are glad you found a better place to start up your hotel. How is the business going on in Barcelona?" Marcus's authorized voice questioned Mr. Watson.

I slowly turn around to see Marcus and Kathryn. Marcus looked professional and uptight in a black suit and black tie - he looked like he came straight from a 1920′s movie, all black and white. I wonder how he looks like in jeans and a t-shirt. I've never seen him in casual clothes- not even a vacation last summer. He was in his office wear, minus coat and tie. Where else, Kathryn looked as adorable as ever in a yellow frock with matching shoes. Aw, we are matching today. Her pink flushed cheeks were still chubby. She has gotten even cuter, I'm sure she'll grow up in a beautiful girl. She was frowning and staring at her father who was busy talking to Mr. Watson. She must be wondering what her father is saying. An inaudible chuckle left my mouth to see her so confused.

After a few minutes, she started tapping her father's face, while babbling something in baby's language. Marcus was still so busy in his conversation with Mr. Watson that he didn't notice how Kathryn was willing for her father's attention. I tried not to walk towards them and take Kath in my arms, but I failed. Next thing I know, I was walking towards the handsome man with a cute little angel in his arms. I frowned at my own words, handsome?

"Yes, I bought the shares of OHL industries. I'm willing to invest more, and- uh sorry. Excuse me-" I heard Marcus as I walked closer. He cut himself to look at her babbling daughter. A genuine smile lit upon his face. He kissed Kath's cheek as she squealed in return and grinned, and put her small hand on her father's jaw. My heart swells at the view. They look so beautiful together.

"Dada's talking to Uncle George. Why don't you be Dada's good little angel and let him talk to Uncle George?" Marcus cooed to his daughter and kissed her cute small nose.

"Dada!" Kathryn squealed as he twirled his head to resume talking to Mr. Watson. Marcus sighed and mumbled something to his daughter that I didn't catch. Kathryn laughed and kept babbling to her father.

"You have a beautiful child, Marcus. She's growing up so fast." Mr. Watson commented with a chuckle.

"Yes," Marcus replied while staring at his daughter in awe. "Though, I don't want her to grow up fast. I want her to always be my little princess." He added and passed a small smile towards Mr. Watson. Marcus looked so- foreign when he smiled. I haven't seen him smiling this often - or smile at all. He always has this serious look on his face that scares everyone off. Especially me.

"Oh look, Ms. McGill's here!" Mr. Watson exclaimed causing Marcus to look at me. "Well, my wife's a fan of this one, Marcus. I've heard she's amazing with kids." Mr. Watson said to Marcus, causing me to blush. I bit my lip and tried not to look at Marcus, I could feel him looking at me. "She's my kid's nanny- or was a nanny, well since they are now moving to Barcelona with me. Anyways, Marcus meets Ms. Charlotte McGill." Mr. Watson introduced me to Marcus. I gulp and offered a small smile to Mr. Harrison. I don't know why I always behave like this in front of him. I know Marcus so well and here I'm pretending like he's a stranger. Marcus was wearing an amused expression - probably he's mentally laughing at me. I'm awful.

"I know, George. She's my friend's friend." Marcus said to Mr. Watson and then glanced at me.

"Oh! That's amazing. Then, she can help you with your daughter- if she wants to." Mr. Watson suggested. Mentally I was going on like, yes, please! Please- please, please. Pretty please.

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