First Day At Work

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"Hello Mr. Harrison, It is a pure pleasure working for you. I will never disappoint you with my work. I will show you that I can be a great nanny for your daughter." I smiled cheekily.

I stared myself in the mirror and almost flinched at the horrible smile. No – no I can't smile like that in front of him, he might think that I am some sort of psycho and end up firing me. And those words – God, they are awful. Try again, Charlie – try again.

I took a deep breath, "Hello Marcus – uh – or Mr. Harrison or Mr. Marcus Harrison? No, no Mr. Marcus Harrison – that's too long. Maybe I should just call him – Urgh!! What am I doing?!" I pull my hair in a fist. I can't believe that I am doing that. Why am I acting so stupid? How hard will it face Mr. Harrison as a boss?

"Hey Charlie, Marcus sent a car for you to pick you up!" Maria yelled out from the kitchen. I frowned, car? But Marcus didn't say anything about sending a car to pick me up. Well, now it is here – I better hurry up. I looked at myself last time in the mirror before picking up my handbag and left the room.

"Maria, Marcus didn't mention anything about sending a car to pick me up," I said as I entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to take out a bottle of water. Maria shrugged carelessly before filling her mouth with the chocolate cake I made for her. I shook my head, she almost ate half of that cake in an hour.

"That's too much cake for you for a day," I said before removing the plate away from her.

"Hey!" She protested with her mouth full of cake. I cringe and rolled my eyes before putting the cake back in the fridge. She swallowed the cake she had in her mouth, "I am not a child, Miss Nanny. Give me my cake back." She whined.

"Give your stomach a break, lady." I chuckled and took a sip directly from the bottle. Maria rolled her eyes and licked the spoon before sighing and putting the spoon back on the counter.

"You are bored," I said.

She frowned, "What?"

"Or upset, perhaps?" I asked and put the water bottle on the counter.

"No, I am not." She answered.

"Or maybe both?" I asked her again. I know my friend more than she thinks I know. She always eats like that when she's bored or upset. Plus, she has been awfully quiet for the last few days.

She sighed, "It's nothing. That was just an amazing cake and I am hungry, that's it." She replied. I am sure now that something is wrong but, I didn't push her further. I know she can't keep it in, she will tell me when the right time will come.

"Okay. By the way, where is your loverboy these days? I haven't seen him since the last week." I asked while putting the water bottle back in the fridge.

"Silas is not my lover anything." She said and rolled her eyes.

I snort, "Yes, I believe you." I said sarcastically. "Anyways, where is he?" I add.

She shrugged, "I don't know – busy with work, I guess." She answered. By her answer, I can tell that she is troubled because of Silas. I didn't want to upset her even more, therefore I let go of the matter. I will talk to her when the right time will come.

"All right, I am going now. Last night's leftover in the fridge, heat it if you want, and please go easy on the cake." I asked her.

She chuckled half-heartedly, "Yes – yes, I will. Now go and give my love to Kathryn." She said with a cheeky grin.

I chuckled, "All right, I will. Bye." I said and pick up my bag and house keys before walking out of the apartment and out of the building. The weather was nice and sunny today. I took a deep breath, a fainted scent of roses is in the air. It must be Mrs. Kahn, she always plants roses in the pots and put them on her window.

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