An Uninvited Guest

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Charlotte McGill.

A whole month went by and I still don't have a job. I'm two months behind my rent, bills are piling up. I hardly have money to survive for a month. I even used most of my savings to pay bills and one month's rent. Now I'm thinking I should probably sell my car as well because I'm unable to bear its expenses. I applied at the daycare center and many places for the post of a nanny but got rejected.

I just got accepted at a restaurant as I waitress, I didn't want to be a server again but, I guess I have to do that if I want a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I even applied at Portia's Art Museum as an assistant of Madam Portia LaRoché, world's famous painter, I thought I might be able to utilize my degree in arts, but I didn't receive any answer from them— so, now I only have one option left and that is to be a waitress.

I sighed and entered the restaurant named Lakeview Restaurant. I don't know why they named it 'Lakeview' if there isn't any lake around it. It was actually around the corner, with the view of heavy New York traffic. It was a small restaurant, with few people sitting around— enjoying their lunch. I walked towards the counter, a middle-aged man was standing behind it and playing with his cellphone. I cleared my throat to gain his attention, after a few seconds he lifts his gaze to looked at me. I smiled politely but, he didn't return it.

"Yes?" He replied boringly. Is this how they interact with their clients? Maybe that's why there aren't many people here.

"Hi. My name is Charlotte McGill, and I —"

"The new waitress?" The man rudely interrupted me, while rolling his eyes. I frowned and nodded my head. This man has no manners.

"Okay, go to the changing room, change, and start working. As you can see the people here are dying for your assistance." The man rolled his eyes. I frowned and look around to see the half-empty restaurant. I see how stupid sarcasm he tried to throw at me.

I sighed and tried to suppress my anger, "Listen, I just want to know where can I find the manager." I asked sternly.

He smirked and winked, "Ah! Feisty." He commented, "He's out for a few hours. He made me in charge till then, so beautiful, go change and start cleaning the tables." He ordered even more rudely.

"I think I'll wait for him. Thank you." I offered him a fake smile. He just rolled his eyes and resume typing on his phone.

After two hours and fifteen minutes, a cup of coffee and the most tasteless sandwich later, the manger was still wasn't here. During these two hours, hardly five to six people came in and I also noticed that the staff working here is ineligible and extremely rude. When I saw their website, I thought it would be one of the impressive restaurants in the town. It was as they described it as. Only if I knew the truth, I would've never applied here. After leaving a couple of dollars for a tip, I gathered my purse and left.

After coming back home, I took a much-needed shower and ate some leftovers from last night's dinner. Tomorrow I will go for job hunting, I had enough for today. With that thought, I switched on the TV and watched some documentary on worms. The documentary was so boring that it led me to sleep.

A shrill of my cellphone woke me up from a peaceful slumber. I rubbed my eyes and saw my cellphone ringing loudly on the coffee table. I sighed and answered it.

"Hey!" A cheerful voice of Maria answered.

"Hey." I sleepily greeted back.

"Were you sleeping?" She asked.

"Uh— yes, I was watching some documentary on worms and fell asleep while watching it." I said, "Pretty boring, I must say." I mumbled in the end.

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