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Each step I took – I hoped for Marcus to stop me – to call my name and stop me – to tell me that he loves me too but, it never happened. With a broken heart, I left Marcus's penthouse – I didn't even meet Kathie – I couldn't. Knowing that it will be the last time I will be seeing her would hurt me more and I don't think that I can take it anymore.

When I went down to the car parking – Silas didn't say anything – he didn't have to – everything was written on my face. Marcus rejected me – he rejected my love. He embraced me in a hug and let me break down in tears. I cried out loud – I didn't care if anyone sees me – I don't mind if they call me insane because, that's what I am – utterly and completely insane. I fell in love with a man that couldn't even love me back. I was heart-broken but, I was angry as well – angry on myself. How can I be so stupid to fall in love with a guy who couldn't love me back? Why did I get so much involved with Kathie and Marcus? Why did I make them my world?

Silas didn't utter a single word during the whole ride and thankful for that. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize when we reached Silas's place. Silas put his hand on my shoulder – causing me to jerk out of my painful thoughts. "We are here," he said slowly. I didn't say anything. I only nodded my head and stepped out of the car. I didn't even thank him – I was too numb to say anything – too numb to feel anything.

I walked into the house and quietly made my way to the room – I am staying in. Elizabeth was sitting on the couch in the lounge area. She got up on her feet when she saw me. "Charlie." She called out my name but, I didn't stop walking. My feet couldn't stop – I just kept making my way to my room.

"Charlie, what happened?" she called out but, again I ignored her.

"Ellie – let her be. She needs to be alone right now." I heard Silas as I was making my way up to my room.

I didn't sleep that night nor did I cry. I just quietly sat on the floor and stared at nothing while thinking about all the good and bad moments of my life. My childhood with my mother's motherly love, the fake death of my parents, my depressing life after their disappearance, my financial struggle, and then meeting Marcus and Kathie. Meeting them might be the most beautiful yet the most destructive thing for me. I don't know why I always get close to people that leave me. I always end up alone.

Marcus taught me the most important lesson of my life – never get too attached to anyone because one day they will leave you and you will be left alone. We come in this world alone and we will leave this world alone as well, but during our stay – we all need companions, friends, family, and love – unfortunately, I only got a friend. My family and the person I loved left me to be alone. I don't know how long I stayed in the same state. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and looked at the locked door. My eyes were heavy from sleep and my body ached from sitting in the same state all night. There was again a knock on the door – I got up on my feet and almost gave up my balance.

I opened the door to see Elizabeth standing with a tray full of food in her hand. I glanced at the tray than to her. She was looking at with pity in her eyes, "You didn't sleep, did you?" she asked.

I slowly shook my head. She sighed, "I brought you food. Eat this and then let's go." She said as she walked pass by me in the room.

I frowned, "Go where?" I asked. It was the first thing I said after I met with Marcus last night. Just his name brought tears to my eyes.

She put the tray on the bed and turned around, "Silas asked me to take you to Maria's place. You need to be with her, he said. I will be coming with you – if you don't mind." she asked.

I knitted my brows and shook my head, "I don't." I replied slowly and glanced at the food, "I am not hungry." I told her.

"I know you are not but, you still need to eat." She said. "I think you should take a shower and then eat. Afterward, we will go to Maria's place." She said.

Marcus Harrison's ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now