I Trust You

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"Hey Marcus, remember Willow Daren from college?" Cassandra asked Marcus – who was quietly driving the car. Cassandra was sitting in the front seat while I was in the back seat.

I glanced at Marcus. His forehead creased, "Willow? That girl from accounting class?" he asked while his eyes were fixed on the road.

"Yes – her – She is getting married next month and she asked me to tell you that we have to be there, no matter what." She said, "She took your number from me. She said that she will invite you personally too but, I thought that I should inform you as well." She added. I sighed and leaned back to the seat and looked out of the window.

"Why is she inviting me? I wasn't her friend." Marcus asked.

"She is my friend and she knows that we are best friends." She waved her finger between her and Marcus, "Maybe, that's why she asked." She continued.

"I don't think I can go," Marcus replied short.

Cassandra frowned, "Why not?" she asked him.

"I am busy." He replied.

Cassandra chuckled, "How do you know that? I didn't tell you the date yet." She challenged him.

"Cassie, you know how time-consuming my work is. I don't think I will make it. Don't worry – I will talk to Willow. She won't mind." Marcus answered.

Cassandra sighed and faced the window, "Yes, but I will." She mumbled though I am sure Marcus heard, he didn't reply to her.

I mashed lips and looked at the rear-view mirror. I could see his eyes in it – he was looking straight ahead. I didn't realize that I was staring him till he looked up in the mirror as well – our eyes met for a moment before we both looked away. I glanced at the mirror again to see him looking ahead. I bit my lip and shift my gaze at Kathie – she was sitting in her car seat. Her eyelids were dropping – indicating that she was about to sleep any moment now.

"Hey, Charlie." Cassandra called out my name and twirled her head around to look at me, "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked out of nowhere.

My eyes went round, "What?" I asked. I didn't think that she would ask me this question. I glanced at the rear-view mirror to see Marcus already looking at me. I lower my gaze, "Uh – I –"

She giggled, "Okay, let me put it this way. Are you and Joseph dating yet?" she questioned as she wiggles her brows, "Because, I clearly remember from last time – he liked you." She chuckled.

I smiled but didn't reply to her. When she saw that I wasn't answering her – she raised her eyebrow, "So?" she questioned.

"Well –" I cleared my throat, "We went out once," I answered her and glanced at the rear-view mirror to see Marcus still looking ahead. I waited for a few seconds but, he didn't look at my way.

"You guys are too cute. I think you two will make a beautiful couple, Am I not right Marcus?" She questioned Marcus – who answered her with a small hum. He didn't look at her nor did he smile – he just hummed. The rest of the ride was soundless.

The next few days were similar. Honestly, the same old routine was tiring and dull – not for me but Kathryn. Kathie never leaves the house – she's growing up behind the same four walls. This has been bugging me for a few days now – I meant to ask Mr. Harrison if I could take her out someday – but, didn't have the guts to ask him. Finally, I decided that I will talk to him today, no matter what. Seriously, I have never been more nervous before but, I have to do it – for Kathryn.

"Kathie – baby, please eat." I have to try to feed her for the last few minutes but, she isn't eating.

"What happened, dear?" Penny asked as she entered the kitchen.

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