Rollercoaster of Life

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The next morning I was feeling chipper. The last thing that was on my mind before I went to sleep was Marcus and the first thing I thought about after waking up was Marcus – I couldn't describe how happy I was. Last night was – amazing. It is still hard to believe that Marcus confessed his feelings to me. Marcus is the man who doesn't like to expose his emotions to others – but, still, he told me how he feels about me and I couldn't be happier. I thought about texting him after waking up but, that would be too much – even for me. I have to give us some time before taking another step in our relationship. But, before everything else I have to talk to Joe.

I texted Joe and told him that I have something important to talk to before taking shower, changing into fresh clothes – today I decided to wear something attractive – I wore a light blue summer dress that ended till my knees with white Mary Jane's shoes. I dried my hair and decided to keep my hair untied. After that, I applied light make-up. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled – I hope Marcus will like me getting ready for him.

My heart stands still when I heard the horn of the car – I looked at my wristwatch to see that there was almost half an hour left before Marcus would leave for the office. I quickly grabbed my handbag and walked out of the apartment before locking the door behind me.

During the whole ride – I just couldn't stop smiling. I have never been more excited to meet someone than before. Finally, after a fifteen-minute drive, we reached Marcus's building. A goofy smile spread across my face when I thought about the kiss that happened last night. After saying goodbye to the driver – I made my way towards the penthouse.

Once I reached Marcus's house – I set my hair before ringing the bell of the house. After hearing some muffled voices the door finally opened – revealing a smiling Penny. I was expecting Marcus to open the door but, he must be with Kathie – so, I don't mind.

"Hey, Penny." I greeted her and embraced her in a hug.

"Oh." She wasn't expecting me to hug her. I don't usually just exchange some greetings but, today was exceptional. She laughed, "You look happy and very beautiful." She commented and pulled away while her hands were still on my shoulder.

I grinned and nodded, "I am very happy." I affirmed.

She chuckled, "Good, may God bless you." She said and stepped aside for me to enter in.

I walked pass by her and entered the lounge to see one was there. I twirled around to look at Penny who was about to enter the kitchen. "Hey, Penny," I called her name. She stopped and looked around to face me, "Did Marcus went to the office already?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No, he didn't. He is in his study room with Silas and Ben. They are in a meeting." She informed me.

I frowned, "Oh, okay – thank you." I said. She just nodded and went back to the kitchen while I went upstairs to meet my princess. I hope Marcus would be free from the meeting soon so that I could meet him once before he leaves for the office.

I walked inside of Kathie's room to see her sitting on the floor while playing with her toys that she got yesterday for her birthday. I glanced at the maid that was standing beside Kathie. She smiled at me before walking out of the room – she must have been waiting for me to come. I kneeled and kissed Kathie on her cheek. "Good morning, big girl," I said to her.

She giggled and kissed back on my nose – causing my heart to melt. "Char." She said out loud.

I laughed, "Yes, Char is here." I said to her and pick her up in my arms, "And now Char is going to give her princess a bath." I sang to her. She laughed and circled her arms around my neck.

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