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It has been a day since Silas came to my apartment. It has been a week since my life took an unexpected turn. I couldn't sleep at night – my mind was too tangled in disturbing thoughts. I haven't been out of my apartment since I came to know that someone was keeping an eye on me. Maria has been living with me as well – and to say that we both were scared would be an understatement. Silas usually calls twice a day to check on us. Also, three security guards have been allocated to my building. Thankfully, I haven't received any envelope or any parcel after the last one. I don't know why would someone threaten me? When I don't know what happened – when I am not even a part of it.

I am honestly more worried about Kathie. I am afraid that someone might hurt her to hurt Marcus. The little angel doesn't even know what happens around her yet she is being threatened. I miss her. I miss her the most. I sometimes wonder if she misses me if she asks for me. I wonder who takes care of her when Marcus's not around or if she is being fed properly or if there is someone that plays with her. Why it all happened to me? Why I had to separate from Kathie? I wish I could turn back the time. Unfortunately, I can't – I can only wish. I just wish for all of this too over soon.

"Charlie?" Maria's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her. She sighed and put her hand over my shoulder, "What are you thinking?" she asked softly.

I puckered my lips and glanced at her, "I am thinking about Kathie." I told her the truth. "I miss her." I pouted my lips and circled my arms around my legs while placing my head on my knee.

A small smile lit up on her face, "I miss her too." She said. "She is growing up so fast." She commented after a pause of a few seconds.

I smiled as an image of her running around the house – laughing and giggling came up in my mind, "Yes, she is." I said softly.

Maria and I were sitting in the lounge – sipping our morning coffee while staring at the blank screen of the television. We were trapped in our own house – we couldn't get out, we couldn't do anything productive but sit on the couch, watching television and talk. During these dreadful days, I completely forget about the real world that I eventually have to face – I forgot that I have bills to pay and for that, I need a job. The thought of searching for the new job made me groaned.

Maria knitted her brows and looked at, "What happened?" she asked.

I covered my face and mumbled non-coherent words. Maria chuckled, "What?" she asked.

I uncovered my face and looked at her, "I don't have a job." I said.

She raised her eyebrows and mumbled a small 'Oh', "You will find one." She said sympathetically. "How about this – since we are stuck in this apartment for a while. Why don't we search for a job for you?" she said.

I find searching for a job harder than actually going on one. But, I have to find one – there isn't any tendency of evasion. I twisted my lips, "Yeah, we can do that." I said to her while putting the cup of coffee on the table, "You know, I was thinking about putting my fine arts degree in use. Maybe I should send my CV to Portia Art Museum again – I sent it last time before – before I worked for Marcus but, I didn't get any reply from them. I just think I should apply again – maybe they'll consider me." I said.

Maris shrugged, "Sure." She said. "We should look for other job openings as well." She suggested and stood up on her feet. "I will bring the laptop." She said and walked towards my room with the help of her crutches. My gaze followed her until she disappeared into my room. I sighed and stood up as well – while picking up our empty cups from the table when the doorbell rang. I could hear some muffled voices from behind the door. I frowned and walked nearer to the closed door. I couldn't be anyone suspicious or else the guards would have stopped them.

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