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Everything was black. I couldn't see anything – it was all too dark. The darkness worried me – since I was a child I have been afraid of darkness. I always imagined demons and beasts emerging out of darkness – I don't do it now but, I still feel uncomfortable whenever I am surrounded by darkness. But, why was it so dark in here? Where did all the light go?

Oh – right, my eyes were closed – silly me.

"Uh, Charlotte – are you okay?" I heard a voice.

"Umm-hmm." I nodded and slowly opened my eyes to see Ben looking at me. "Hi, Ben," I said with a big grin on my face.

Ben smiled back hesitantly, "Uh – hi, Charlotte. Uh – maybe you should get up from the floor, yes?" he asked.

I frowned and looked around to see that I was lying on the floor with my hands resting on my stomach. "Yes, the floor is cold," I complained and tried to get up but, lost my balance and fell back on the floor. I instantly started laughing – I don't know what I was laughing about. I was just laughing and it felt good to laugh wholeheartedly.

Ben chuckled and extended his hand for me to get, "Come on, Charlotte – you need to get up. You are pretty wasted." Ben said.

I finally stopped laughing and wiped the tears off my cheek, "I know, right?" I said excitedly and took his hand. He pulled me up and helped me get on my feet. "You know, I have never been this wasted before. I feel so – light and good." I gushed. Ben mashed his lips and nodded his head. I gasped causing him to frown, "Hey Ben, let's do something crazy!" I suggested. "I have never done anything crazy in my whole life. I always lived cal – calcu – calculated life. I want to have some fun." I threw my fist in the air and almost lost my balance but, Ben got me.

"You can have fun when you are sober, okay? I think you should go to bed now." He said.

"No," I whined and released my hand from his hold. "No, I want to have fun now – now!" I said and climbed on the couch.

"Charlotte – what are you doing? Wha – get down." Ben tried to help me step down but, the couch was so soft and bouncy – I didn't want to get down. I wanted to jump on the couch. So, I did what I wanted to do – without giving it a second thought I started jumping on the couch. Ben's eyes widened as he tried to hold my hand, "Charlotte – no, that's a couch, not a trampoline – you will fall. Stop it, Charlotte – please." Ben pleaded but, I didn't listen to him – I was too busy jumping on the couch.

"What is happening?" I stopped jumping when I heard his voice. I twirled around to see Marcus standing on the top of the stairs with a typical frown on his face. I swear, this frown is his trademark – he always wears it. His eyes met mine – causing me to feel tingly. I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or because I was seeing the man that I care about the most. "Charlotte?" Marcus said as he hastily stepped down the stairs.

"Hi, Mackie!" I waved my hand and jumped a little in excitement. I heard Ben chuckling but, I didn't give him any attention – my whole attention was on Marcus who was walking towards me.

An insane idea came up in my mind and without giving it a second thought I turned back around to face Ben who was looking at me concernedly. I winked and him and spread my both arms, "Catch me, Mackie!" I yelled out and slowly leaned backward – hoping for Marcus to catch me or else it will hurt badly.

"Charlotte!" Marcus and Ben yelled at the same time. My heart was beating fast as I was falling. I closed my eyes and shrieked. I thought I would meet the floor but, instead, someone caught me in their arms. I opened my eyes to see Marcus looking down at me worriedly with his brows knitting together. I grinned and sighed in relief, "I knew you would get me." I said lowly. "See, I trust you," I added.

Marcus Harrison's ParadiseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat