Dinner With The Boss

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror, "Charlie, it was just a dream – stop thinking about it!" I admonished myself. I was freaking about having dinner with my boss – especially after the dream I had about him. I just can't get it out of my mind.

I have been in the guest room's washroom for the last fifteen minutes and all this time I have been lecturing myself to forget about the dream and have dinner with him as a normal boss and employee does. After glancing myself in the mirror for the last time – I stepped out of the washroom and went straight to downstairs. To downstairs my palms were sweating and my heartbeat fastened.

I could hear the clattering noises of utensils from the kitchen. I was debating myself if I should go in or not and ended up in deciding that I should go in ask if he needs any help. It was the least I could do, as he is the one cooking the dinner.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw him steering some sauce with a wooden spoon. When I first met him – I thought of him as a major workaholic who doesn't even know how to boil water, but I was wrong. I also thought that he was a reclusive person – well, up to some extent he is but, not as much as I thought. Turns outs I had many wrong perceptions about him.

"Hey," I said to grab his attention. He twirled around and passed a small smile. "Do you need some help?" I asked him while playing with my fingers.

"No, I got it. Why don't you make yourself comfortable and have a drink or something?" he said without facing me. He was cutting something over the cutting board.

He looked very different for the second time in a day. He was still in his formal white shirt but, now he was wearing a light green apron over it. He doesn't have the same stiff posture as he usually has nor he's acting like his usual self. He was barefoot too, which was also the first time. His hair was a bit messy – not like his usual jelled and properly combed hair.

"No please, let me help. I would love to." I said and drew nearer to him. With all the food's smell, I could still sniff a hint of musky scent – which belongs to Marcus. "What are you making anyway?" I questioned with a smile playing on my lips.

Marcus gave me a side glance, "Crispy chicken with roasted garlic and rosemary and Orange-Dijon pan sauce." He replied. "And some salad, of course." He added and pointed the sharp knife towards the fresh green lettuces he was cutting.

My eyes widened, "Wow." I whispered to myself

He chuckled, "What?" he asked amusingly.

A flush crept up my face, "Nothing." I replied immediately. He wasn't supposed to hear me.

He paused and glanced at me before nodding his head, "Okay." He said with a small smile and resumed cutting different vegetables. Before I could say anything else a loud wail broke the silence – it was coming from the speakers that were placed at the counter of the kitchen. Kathie was awake.

We both twirled our heads towards the device and then glanced at each other at the same time, "I will go check on her." I said before he could say anything.

He nodded his head, "All right. If she's awake then please bring her down as well." He asked.

I smiled, "Of course." I said and walked back to Kathie's room.

As I entered her room – she was already up and was standing in her cot with glossy eyes. I walked towards her and she raised her tiny arms for me to take her in my arms. I pick her up and kissed her chubby cheeks, "Did you sleep well?" I asked her and she mumbled something in return before placing her head on my shoulder – she was still recovering from her sleep. I smiled and patted her bottom before leaving the room with her in my arms.

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