Left Or Right?

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Charlotte McGill.

After Marcus walked away, I nervously approached Maria who was busy talking to Melissa. When Melissa saw me coming she grinned and embraced me in a tight hug. It's amazing how much she has groomed. For a moment I didn't recognize her, the shy and scared girl has turned into a beautiful, confident lady. She's a part of Harrison family now, Harrison's has done so much for her- she's lucky to have them. She introduced me to her boyfriend, Boyd, who is in the same university as hers. He's a good looking boy. I was then introduced to everyone. Joseph is Silas's cousin. He also has a twin brother, Benjamin, who couldn't come due to some work at the office. Both, Joseph and Benjamin, live in Los Angeles, but occasionally visit New York. Then, there was Cassandra, an outspoken but, friendly girl. She's Marcus's friend from work. According to her, she knows Marcus since he was in college. After talking to everyone, I was starting to loosen up. Everyone was nice and friendly - I was actually enjoying myself, but I was still feeling restless, I wanted to see Kathryn.

"So. Char- Char. What do you do?" Joseph asked me while handing me a glass of wine. I smiled and took a sip of rich, tasty wine.

"I used to work as a nanny, but I'm currently unemployed," I said without looking in his eyes.

"Nanny? That's so cool." He said. "Will you be my nanny?" He asked out of blue, causing me to split the wine and cough. What? Did I hear it right? I looked at him and laughed when I saw him making a cute pout. "What? Why are you laughing? I'm going to cry." He frowned and started fake crying. I laughed and slapped his arm playfully, at which he started crying even louder. Everyone in the room stared at him weirdly. "You hit me! I'm going to complain to my mommy. I need my mommy!" He yelled dramatically. My cheek turned red, due to all unwanted attention. I wanted to move away from him, but I didn't because it would be rude.

Silas sighed and shook his head, "What? Is this your new way of flirting, Joe?" He asked.

Joe, who was still making horrible noises, while trying to cry- stopped and looked at Silas, "Yes." He replied shortly before resume his fake cry. I couldn't help but, chuckle.

"You are horrible, Joe." I heard Marcus, causing Joseph to stop. I turned around to see him carrying Kathryn in his arms. I blinked once - twice, I couldn't believe the beauty Marcus was holding. Kathryn looked winsome. She was wearing a cute baby blue frock, with matching squeaky shoes. Her slightly wet hair was well combed, her chubby cheeks were flushed pink. My heart burst in joy when her eyes locked with mine. She nibbled her lower lip while smiling widely.

I smiled back and waved my hand, she smiled shyly before she hiding her face in her father's neck. Before I could walk to her, everyone was already surrounding Marcus, playing with Kathryn. I bit my lip and shifted in my place awkwardly. I stayed at my place and kept staring at the beauty.

Cassandra moved closer to Marcus and took Kathryn from him and Marcus easily passed Kath to her. I looked at them uneasily, Kathryn laughed loudly when Cassandra tickled her tummy. Am I jealous of Cassandra? I wondered, yes. A little voice said in my head.

I bit my lip and looked away from them, just to see Marcus looking at me with a frown. I locked my gaze with him for a while before, he looked away.

"Ka!" Kathryn squeaked loudly and leaned into Silas, who chuckled and took his niece in his arm and kissed her chubby cheek. Aw.

I chuckled. She's in such a good mood today. Some pinched her chubby cheeks and some just cooed her. She leaned into Marcus and snuggled further into her dad. Marcus kissed her head and hugged her tightly. I could watch them all day, they are just so beautiful.

"Hey! Char Char!" A hand waved in front of my face. I snapped out and twirl my head to see Joseph standing right beside me.


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