Troubled Sunday

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A week went by in a blur. Marcus is healthy now. He wasn't getting better so, Silas forced him to go to the doctor and turns out he had stomach flu. After a week of medication and rest, he is finally better now. I didn't talk to him the whole week – he came home very late at night. I even had to stay a night because he didn't come home that night. Everything is so tensed for the last few days. Joe himself postponed our trip to the fair – something has come up at work, he told me and I believed because, from what I am seeing – something was wrong. I didn't mind him postponing the trip at all – we can always go some other time. When I last talked to Joe, which was the day before yesterday, he didn't sound like himself – he sounded more serious and worried – which is not Joe like. I wanted to ask him what was bugging him so much but, I didn't dare to question.

Marcus on the other hand, I barely see him. I remember, three days ago Silas unexpected came at Marcus's penthouse at the noon. He looked worried – he asked if Marcus came home. I told him no and he went back without saying or asking anything – that night Marcus didn't come home at all. He just called and asked me if I could stay with Kathie. I wanted to ask him where he was but, I couldn't. He ended the call before I could ask anything.

"What are you thinking?" Maria asked me while lightly shaking me by my shoulder.

I snapped away from my thoughts and looked at her concerned-looking face, "Huh?" I said.

"Are you okay? You zoned out for a couple of minutes." She asked me.

Maria came back from Chicago last week. Since then, she has been hanging out with me and Kathie a lot. I didn't ask much about her trip – she looked happy so, I assume she enjoyed herself.

"Uh, yes – just work." I shrugged. I didn't lie, I was thinking about my boss.

She smiled, "I miss Kathryn." She twisted her lips.

"Me too," I replied wholeheartedly. I do miss that bundle of joy.

Today is Sunday, which means that it is a holiday. Honestly, I didn't think that I would get an off day, as Marcus has been extremely busy with work. I thought that his work will consume his day off as well but, that didn't happen. When yesterday I asked if I have to come to work today he declined.

"Did you recently talked to Silas?" I asked randomly.

She shook her head, "No, he has been extremely busy." She replied.

I nodded, "So is Joe and Marcus." I replied.

Sunday has always been mine and Maria's 'lazy day'. We mostly stay in all day – watch movies, do some gossips, sometimes cook together and lie on the bed and do absolutely nothing – just like we are doing right now. After lunch, we both watched some television and now we are lying on my bed – we both lost in our thoughts.

There was a pause for a few minutes before Maria took a breath and sat up, "Do you think that something's wrong with Silas and Marcus – and Joe? I mean, is it just me or do they look tense?" she questioned.

I bit my lip and got up as well, "I think so too." I replied. "Marcus is coming home late – every night. Joe doesn't sound like his usual self." I added.

She sighed, "And Silas – I hardly heard from him since I came back. Last time when I talked to him he sounded disturbed. I don't know what happened to them but, it is something serious – that's I am sure of." She told me.

I frowned, "How so?" I asked.

"Elizabeth called last night. She said that she and Owen are coming to New York for a few days." She informed me.

Elizabeth is Marcus's youngest sister while Owen is his father. After Owen came to know what his wife did to ruin her son's life – he was so dejected that he decided to move to London with Ruby. Elizabeth is also a resident of London – she sometimes visits but, Owen – I haven't seen him since the last two and a half years.

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