First Day At Work (Part II)

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Kathryn's room is beautiful. It doesn't have any cartoon theme or any movie theme but still, it is decorated in its unique way. The whole room is a combination of baby pink and baby blue. There are so many stuff toys decorated around the room. At the side of the room, there was a huge dollhouse in which Kathryn can easily fit. Also, it has a rocking chair, a baby cot, and a small tea table. Marcus's honestly did some work here. Last time when I was here, I didn't get to see the room properly – it was dark then. I also just noticed that Kathie's room is adjacent to Marcus's room. There was also a small LCD on the wall – why would a kid need a TV?

Kathie was still in my arms, she was sleeping. I should put her in her cot but, I just wanted to hold for a few minutes. I walk around the room while patted her cute little diaper packed bum.

As I was wandering around in the room – which was bigger than my room, the door opened and Marcus's lean figure entered in. "Is she sleeping?" He whispered. I nodded my head.

"Please put her in the cot. I would like to talk to you in my study." He said lowly.

"Okay." I nodded and placed in the cot before, putting the blanket over her. After making sure that she was cuddled in a blanket, I turned around to see Marcus still waiting for me at the door.

Marcus directed me the way to his study, it was beside his room. He opened the door for me to get in but, we were surprised to see Silas sitting on the black couch. He looked troubled – his facial hair has grown, his suit's coat and tie were missing and his hair was a mess.

"Marcus, I met Jovi –" Silas said as soon as he saw Marcus entering the room but, stopped mid-sentence when he noticed me following him. "Charlotte?" he looked baffled.

"Hi, Silas." I smiled and waved my hand. He stood up from the couch and stared at me and Marcus with a frown on his face.

Marcus sighed, "She is now Su's nanny." Marcus explained.

He chuckled and suspired, "I thought something was going on between you too." He shook his head.

My eyes widened and gasped at his unexpected statement. Well, thank you, Silas, for making things more awkward.

Marcus shook his head, "You always think the worse of all." Marcus said distantly. I glanced at Marcus – he was giving a hard look to Silas. I can see that he didn't like his joke. I agree with Marcus, but I still felt a pinch of hurt when Marcus said that. I don't know why but I just did.

"All right, I am sorry." Silas apologized to us.

Marcus shook his head, "When did you come back? I thought you were coming back the day after tomorrow." Marcus asked while walking around the desk that was situated in the middle of the room and sat on the chair behind it, while Silas sat on the chair in front of the desk and – I stood quietly at the corner like I was the disobedient kid of the classroom.

"I just came back – I came here directly from the airport," Silas answered short. He then twirled his head to look at me, "Hey Charlie, where is Maria? I have been calling her for a few hours now but, she isn't answering any of my calls." Silas asked.

I shrugged, "She is at my place and, I think she is upset with you. She didn't say anything – I'm just guessing it." I replied.

He sighed and rubbed his face with his palms, "Well yeah – I went to Thailand without telling her, and I might not have answered her calls or messages when I was there." He said guiltily.

I frowned, "Well I am sure that it must something very important that you had to go unannounced. Talk to her, I am sure she will understand." I told him.

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