I See You

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"What are doing here and where is Joe?" I asked him.

The grin slowly fell off his face, "I don't know." He said after a small pause.

I frowned, "What does that mean?" I asked him.

He exhaled loudly before putting his sunglasses in his jacket's pocket, "He went out last night and didn't come back home." Ben replied.

"What?" I asked bewilderedly.

Ben looked at me for a few moments, "I don't know where he is. He also left his phone at home." He paused and mashed his lips together, "I also know that you didn't steal the file from Marcus – Joe did." He said without looking at me.

I opened my mouth and then closed it – no words were escaping my mouth. I never thought that Ben would say that. "You – you believe me?" I asked him confusingly.

He sighed and nodded his head, "Since I heard my brother talking on the phone with someone – telling them that he has the file and now he wants double money – yeah – yeah, I believe you." He answered.

I knitted my brows – it was all too confusing for me, "What?"

He rubbed his eyes with his fingers before exhaling loudly, "Listen, can we – can we talk somewhere else?" he said while looking around the park. "I know a café – where it is much – quieter." He said while looking at the running and screaming children.

I frowned and looked around to see many children screaming and playing around. I sighed – I wasn't sure if I should trust him. He never gave me a positive vibes. What if he kidnaps me or blames me for something else or use me just like Joe did? But, at the same time – he is the only Harrison that says that he believes me and he could be the one that can help me prove my innocence – but, what if it's all a trap? What if he and Joe are the team? I was going through a mental war when I heard him clearing his throat.

"I see that you are confused. I get it – I am not the most trustworthy person but, just this time – trust me just this time, okay? I swear I won't hurt you. We will just go to a café and talk – that's it." He said.

I looked at him and twisted my lips – I have made many stupid decisions in my life – it won't matter if I will make one more, I thought. I nodded my head, "Okay."

He offered me a tight smile, "Thank you, let's go then." He said.

We both walked out of the park. I halted on my way while Ben kept walking towards a Mercedes car – parked just in front of the park's entrance. When Ben realized that I wasn't walking beside him – he twirled around, "What happened?" he asked.

I frowned, "Can't we – can't we walk?" I asked him hesitantly. I didn't want to sit in his car – God knows where he takes me.

He walked nearer to me, "Listen, Charlotte, we don't have time to waste on walking. The café is almost fifteen minutes' walk away. I have something very important to discuss with you. So, either sit in the car and come with me or use public transport – I will give you the address to the café." He said in a breath.

I bit my lip and stared at him as he raised his brow – waiting for my answer. I looked at his car and then towards the bus-stop which was just a few steps away from where we were standing. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, "Fine, let's go." I said while walking towards his parked car. I just hope I won't regret my decision.

During the whole ride to the café – my hands were sweaty, my heartbeat was irregular and I was beyond nervous. I was thinking about the idea of jumping off the car if I feel anything suspicious also I had my cellphone clutched in my hand – just in case if I have to make an emergency call. You see, Ben doesn't seem like a guy who could be trusted – especially after many times he made me realize how much he doesn't like me. It was weird to trust someone I barely know. After ten minutes – the car finally halted in front of a small café.

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