Chapter 21; Who Is He?

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Two days passed by and we didn't do much investigation. That pen was with Kevin as he had to make a report, whether there were any finger prints or not. As the days were passing by, more truths were revealing.

That day when Henry asked me why was I helping him suddenly came to my mind...
Honestly even I asked myself this question everyday but the answer was always just silence.

There is a feeling which I just can't explain.

Anyway, back to Kevin, he is a very cool person. He doesn't get tensed about anything and he is a really good detective and I believe that he will prove Henry innocent.

"Daisy?" someone called me breaking my trail of thoughts.

"Yes dad?" he laughed a little at my reaction and continued
"I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Of course you did." I said rolling my eyes.

" I have to go somewhere for a really important work and I will come tomorrow." he said and I stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"Is that ok?" Of course it is!... Who would want to leave an opportunity of being home alone.

"If you need anything, either call me or John or that other guy."

"Henry, dad. " I said correcting him.

"Yeah whatever. " he said with a mischievous smirk and I shook my head in disbelief.

He turned to leave but stopped for some reason.

"You have college today, right? " he asked, looking at me from head to toe, with a suspicious look. Whenever I have college, I usually get up earlier than today.

"Yeah i have but...." I am in absolutely NO mood to go to college. Henry isn't coming till anything comes to a conclusion.

But what if someone asks you why you aren't coming? Asked my inner voice.

Listen it's just, I Don't care

"I am in no mood today. I will do my assignments." I spoke.
"Fine.." dad spoke without arguing much. When I was an infant, I really loved going to school and I didn't take much holidays so whenever I asked for a holiday he never said no. I loved to study. Correction, I love to study.

When he left, I took my clothes and went to have a a bath

After coming from the bathroom I picked up my favourite novel and started reading.

As I said before, I Love Reading and Studying.

As I was too engrossed in reading, a phone call distracted me. Before I could pick it up, it stopped ringing. I looked at the time and it was late, which meant that the classes would be over in 5 to 10 minutes.

I checked the phone and it showed Jacob.

Jacob is one from college. He isn't that amusing. He just loves backbiting about everyone. Literally EVERYONE...

He is a big flirt. He just flirts with me every time he sees me and I hate him. I was happy that I hadn't received the call yet. Why did he called me though?

My trail of thoughts was broken by a strange sound which was probably my phone.

Why the hell is he calling me again?

I picked up the phone before it stops ringing.

"Hey babe" There he comes. Whenever he says that, it gives me the urge to punch straight on his face.

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