36. Too Pure.

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Shizukana's P.O.V

After a very interesting dinner with Shikamaru and his mother, we called it a night and Shika led me to his room.

He opened the door to his room to reveal a very neat and tidy bedroom. Not what you expect from a very lazy person. He closed the door from behind me and place my bag on the floor.

He closed at me and gave me a closed eye smile which reminded me of Kakashi Sensei. He went to his cabinet and pulled out a Shogi board with all the pieces. He laid them on the floor and sat down next to it.

I just laughed. "With you, everything is just Shogi," I said making wave his hands. He placed the pieces on the board and motioned me to start.

I moved a pawn forward and he did the same. I kept moving pieces while he rambled on and on about how his team forced him to wake up early.

I carefully moved one of my Gold Generals towards his rook. He notices as he just moved his kind away from him Silver General. He cursed under his breath as I snatched his rook, leaving him with only 4 pieces left. The King, a Promoted Lance and two knights.

He shifted on his seat and made his thinking seal. He says it allows him to think. It can be very helpful as it helps one concentrate and also serve as a sign to not disturb. While he was thinking of a move, I kept thinking of a trap. I managed to snag all of his pieces except the four which he has. I haven't used them, but more for me.

He lifted his Promoted Lance and placed it two squares away from my King. I looked at him and saw that he was smirking. But then, I moved my Dragon King towards his King which effectively blocked his King from moving.

The smirk on his face vanished and he looked at me in disbelief. "How did you do that?" He asked me. He looked at the board and then at my face.

"You shouldn't have made the second move that way," I said making him scoff in disbelief. "You should have moved your knight to the left if you wanted to counter this technique but no matter." I stood up and stretched my toes.

Shikamaru pouted and carefully put the board away as to not disrupt the pieces. "I need a post Mortem." He said.

I waved him off. "Later," I said stiflingly a yawn. I sat on his bed and looked at him. He was staring at me.

I just narrowed my eyes at him and went to my bag. He pointed towards the bathroom where I could change. I gave him a thumbs up and left.

I changed into an oversized woolly sweater and some sweatpants. Nothing revealing. I braided my hair and neatly folded my clothes and put them in the bag. I looked at the mirror to find a pale figure with dark bags under their eyes. I blinked twice before stepping out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Shika was struggling with a futon. You'd think someone who likes to sleep would know how to handle a futon. After a few minutes of struggling, he finally managed to set up the futon. He stood up with a satisfied look on his face and looked at me with a bright smile.

I gave him a sarcastic thumbs-up to which he just rolled his eyes. I set my bag down and sat on the chair. Shika left to change.

After a few minutes, he came out with a green shirt and some pants. His hair was loose. I've seen him like that before. Hilarious. His cheeks were tinged in red. He avoided eye contact and I just chuckled.

He sat down on the ground next to me. His hair was just right in front of my fingers so I thought to have a little fun. I gently grabbed his hair and split them into three parts. He jerked his head at the touch but he settled down.

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