The ultrasound

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It's been three weeks since I tired to tell kingston about the pregnancy, after that day couldn't take anymore rejection so I'm just now about to tell my parents after cannon pretty much didn't leave me a choice.

Cannon kicks me under the dinner table "it's time" he mouths. I take a deep breath and say a little prayer.

Mom, Dad.. I get their attention. "I have something I want to share with you" I can feel my face turning red and my ears burning. " I pull the ultrasound picture out of my pocket and hand it to my mom she looks completely shocked. " I'm about 15 weeks I didn't plan this and I'm scared to death" I tell them honestly.

  "Oh baby why didn't you tell me sooner! We are always here for you no matter what honey we love you always" she say standing to hug me. Mom hands the picture to Dad, "well looks like we have big changes coming and soon why did you hide it? And who is the father?" I watch my dad hand the picture over to cannon who smiles.

"I hid it for so long because well I'm confused, scared, and when I told the father he rejected me quicker than I could tell him so I've decided to do this myself I don't need him.

I see my brothers jaw tick I know he is pisses and I'm sure I will deal with that later. "We are going to be grandparents" my dad looks to my mom's and smiles, well that went better than I thought.

The next week I moved around my college plans I'm going to continue to work at the library and take my prerequisites at the community college which I went ahead and started summer classes so when I had the baby it wouldn't put me behind. I will be a registered nurse one day.

I leave for vacation and will be meeting with the girls tonight and I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant, but at this point I'm not hiding it there is now way  I'm almost 17 weeks and I'm huge I've been hiding in the house, around the pool, or at work but today mom dragged me out for some shopping.

"Ayda you need clothes that fit and bathing suits you don't want to be showing your goodies at the beach plus you ain't getting them shorts buttoned and you cant wear sweats everyday" mom says.

"Mom they aren't sweats they are leggings and yoga pants!" She raises her eye brow at me and I already knew I lost. "Lets go we have to make your doctor's appointment later."

Mom's reading fun facts about pregnancy when the doctor comes in. "You have company today" she smiles.  "Yes this is my mom's I introduce them. "Lay back let's measure you" she helps me lay back and measures me, then she measures again, "hhmmm have you had an ultrasound confirming how many weeks you are?" She ask. "Yes I'm almost 17, is everything okay?" I ask. She squirts warm blue jell on my belly and we hear the beautiful heartbeat. "Yes you are just measuring big let's get an ultrasound before you leave today just to make sure we have correct due date okay" she pats my shoulder. "Sounds good thank you" I say.

"Hi my name Is Tiffany and I'm going to do your ultrasound today lay on back get comfy let's have a look at this baby" a really happy woman says. I know her from somewhere I just can't place her she looks older than me so I'm not sure where I know her from.

I do as she ask and lay back, my mom snapping pictures the entire time. I shoot her a look. "Ayda we need to catch all the important pictures!" 

Alright state your name and birth date. got to make sure we got the right mama Tiffany says. "Ayda jade maze 03-30-2000" I say. "You passed, just some warm jell and let's have a look" she says pushing the probe into my stomach.

"Oh Ayda look it's a perfect little baby." We are in such awe last time I seen the little seed i didnt feel it move or see it's fingers so it's grown so much. The tech moves the probe over and I see a BUTT! "Omg did you see that! Was that another baby! Are there two babies? " my mom is excitedly yelling at Tiffany.

"Congratulations you are a mama of two my love. " tiffany smiles at me, "would you like to know the sex?

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