kingston part 2

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A lot of shit has happened since graduation. I work for my father's firm while going to school and football practice im exhausted but I have to do it. Being an adult is brutal especially with the shit I've been through.

I pull up to my parents house for dinner and I see kaisley sitting on the porch swing, One of my favorite people . I sit next to her, "hey sis what are you doing?"

"I was just thinking about you being a daddy" that made me smile. "And also I was thinking about Ayda, she pauses. Do you know Ayda."

Where the hell is she going with this? Yeah I know Ayda I've thought about her everyday since I left her standing in my driveway.

"Uh, yeah I know her she's cool. Why? I ask.  "Well I seen her sneaking out of your room that night of the last party we threw so I didn't think about it thought it was odd because she's a really good girl and you well" she eyes me. "Your you, but then I ran into her at the library, she works there still" she pauses and looks at me.

"Okay is there a point to this story?  I ask not understanding my sister, she  never questions who I sleep with we respect each other like that. "Yes dick there is, anyways she stood from her desk "and get this, she flips her phone over. "She is 20 weeks pregnant and I did the math it matches up the party was in june and its october she would be due in march."

She's talking but I can't stop stairing at the picture she is reaching up getting a book off the shelf she has the longest blonde hair with some curl I can only see one side but her baby bump is on full display with the sweater dress she is wearing and its beautiful, she is beautiful.

"one more thing I swear it's twins, is this your kid or kids?" She just blew my mind and she knows it.

Everyone in my family has twins. My dad is a twin, their mom was a twin and so on it's crazy.

"That dosent mean it's mine right" I look up at my sister. "I think it is. I just have a feeling plus I ran into cannon her brother the other day at the mall and he didn't seem to care to talk about you  or even engage in a conversation that had to do with you. He seemed pissed at you"

I have no idea how to process this. its been a long day so after my heart to heart with kaisley I shower get my boy and spend some time with him, he is my everything i may be a youmg parent but i never knew how much i could love something after getting him down for the night  hit my old bedroom in my parents house.

I'm exhausted, I had class today from 630 to 11am then went to work at my dad's firm 12-4 then I had practice 4:30 to 8:30 thank gosh it was a good practice or coach would have us out there forever.

I sit on the bed and open Facebook on my phone, I have to know about Ayda I don't think she would keep this from me so that must mean that she isn't pregnant by me but my sister has put shit into my head and I can't stop thinking about it, about her.

I look her up she was the first to pop up, clicking on her profile I stalk it before I send her a message. She don't post much, her profile isn't private so I can see everything, she has been tagged in a few pictures from the last high school party, some from graduation and one from the beach like two weeks ago it's her and Stacy I know because she tagged Ayda in it, they are sitting in chairs on the beach Ayda legs were bent at the knees so I couldn't see her stomach to see what my sister seen. 

I wonder if she even uses her Facebook. I type out the message feeling nervous for some reason, last time I seen her i was short with her me and Holly were fighting it had been a bad day the pregnancy thing really freaked me out and I was in a shitty mood but still it was hard to see her i want her so bad but then there was Holly who was pregnant.

Hey Ayda it's been a while and I'm sorry about the last time we seen each other I had a lot going on but it's no excuse again I'm sorry. I was hoping we could talk I've hear some things and really it's better I ask in person every time I type it out I erase it because it could be taken several ways anyways and I'm not out to offend or upset you why don't you give me a call or text 888-555-5555.
I sit on my bed willing her to open the message annoyed that I'm starting at the screen I close my laptop and try to get some sleep bit it avails me I think about everything.

I will never forgot the night maverick was born. I was exhausted from practice i fell asleep fast but woke up to my phone ringing seeing it was holly i answered. "Hey everything okay." I ask clearing my throat.  "No, I mean yes fine I'm in labor have been for a few hours I just checked in and they are putting iv, would you please come? She sounds scared. "Of course I'm on my way now" "okay" she says handing up.

I get up throw some clothes on and grab a hat. I call my parents on the way to my car and tell them what's going on. This is it im going to be a dad. 

I get to the hospital, they give me her room number and I head on up. I get to the door and I hear crying as I walk in further I can see Hollys mom comforting her.

Everything okay?" I stand on the other side of her bed. "The contractions are getting stronger I'm about to get the epidural." Holly says. I sit next to her bed and rub her back or hold her hand it's all I can do.  She is quiet and emotionless other than the pain she is in.

After the epiderial everything happened quick, holly started to relax and fell asleep to wake up and hour later when her water broke she pushed for about 45 minutes.

I hear the most beautiful sound a high pitched cry it was so perfect. The doctors try to give the baby to Holly but she simply turns her head and declines "this is Kingston baby" she points to me. The poor doctor look confused but quickly recovered and handed me the baby. The nurse sets me down and helps me with skin to skin says it's better for the connection, what ever that means.

"So do we have a name?" My sister ask me. "I was thinking maverick king anderson." My mom smiles I think its a perfect fit.

I haven't talked or heard from Holly since the day we left the hospital,  she got in her car and left without a second glance. A lot has changed and I need help so I moved back in with my parents I couldn't do it without them.

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