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It's a slow night which is unusual for the siloet gents club, only the riches of men can even get in the door. I'm about to leave when I catch the sight of one of the worst nightmare of my life, Kingston Anderson, and he looks pissed. I try to hit the back of the bar but he catches me by the wrist, I can see the security guys coming my way but I wave them off, I walk him back to my office.

"What can I do for you?" Keeping my tone in check like it's all business I wasn't kidding when I said the baby was kingstons not mine and I have come to terms with that.

"When was you going to tell me that maverick isn't my biological child, I whipped my head up to him. He names him maverick a boy named mavrik I shake myself out of it. "What the hell are you talking about yes he is!" He looks like he is about to explode "I know you don't care but mav is in the hospital with leukemia I'm not a match for a bone marrow transplant and none are my family because huh, I'm not the fucking father." He's screaming and I'm not sure how to process that yet but All I know is my baby needs bone marrow and you owe that to him."

I take in a deep breath, chad is going to freak the fuck out. "I swear I didn't know I thought for sure he was yours I wouldn't had put that on you."  "That's not the question bone marrow yes or no?" He barks.

"Look I don't hate the kid I'm not mother material I'm sorry but I will see if I'm a match, but we keep it under wraps  no one knows you got it." I say it like I mean it because I do.

I live a fabulous life. chad is amazing and he has money and I'm treated like a princess but, he dosent know about the life I had before. If all of this gets out it could ruin me.

"Yeah but this isn't far from being over, I'll follow you to the hospital." "Wait, you mean now?" I question. The look on his face said it all.

I walked into the tiny little lab where they took several vials of blood. Turns out I'm a match, how can I say no I might not be his mother but I am his birth mom, so I decided I'm going to do this but I have to come clean to chad and  this is going to get messy.

One Night With Kingston (Saving Her Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now