When time slows

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"Kingston! Kingston!" I hear screaming conning from Ayda I can hear she is down stairs so I run to her, I will never get over the sight that unfolded in front of me.

Ayda is sitting in the glider in the living room holding maverick he is pale and lethargic burning up, you can see the wetness on his body from the fever and he is shaking.

"He started to fuss so I picked him up out of his bed and has been like this." She is she is bawling I can barley understand her. I take him from her while she dials 911.

Sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear news about your baby is nerve wracking, after what seems like forever the nurse finally comes and everyone in the waiting room looks waiting to see if they are the people she is looking for.

" I'm looking for the parents of maverick Anderson." At this point my entire family is in the waiting room along with aydas. Ayda is up and moving fast I have to take her hand to slow her. "We are the parents, how is he?" I ask. She looks at me with concern, could you two follow me please?" I look at Ayda in horror, We follow her down the long hall into a private room. "Dr. Nelson will be with you in a moment.

I look over to Ayda who hasn't stoped crying. I reach over and hold her hand. "I love you Ayda." She sniffles "I love you too king." She says in a sob. 

Sitting in this room waiting for the doctor is killing me, this has to be the worst wait in the world.

One Night With Kingston (Saving Her Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now