⭐️Chapter 17: Ranking up Wins 💧

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(THANK YOUUU Kuroo1234/Tetsuro kuroo for the art <3)

"Y/n is the first one to appear! At 7 fights, she has a 8-0 record, she's on a roll! Will she loose her winning streak this round?!" The announcer yelled out as Y/n headed towards the center. She was in the lead by far, in the competition against Hisoka

" And next, Kairo (random person) appears! His record is 9-3, can he beat Y/n, or will he go back down to the bottom?!" It was easy for Y/n to go and find someone to fight against, considering her age and appearance, she looked weak, but considering she hasn't lost a match yet, and a lot of people have seen her fights, it was harder to find any fights with people, she needed to win those headpats before Hisoka won the title of Onii-Chan again!!!

It had already been a long time since Y/n and Hisoka had gotten to heaven's arena, she never really saw any matches, other than a few of Hisoka's to cheer him on, but she mostly was either in a match, playing with Mr Oinks and Foxy or sleeping.

She stood on the stage across from Kairo, who was ready to fight the small female. As the crowd was heard, betting on who would win, Y/n ranking up more bets from what she could hear of people telling to their friends. She stood ready as she watched the Male's movement.

As the match started, Kairo seemed to head straight towards the female, who was standing there. As her aura was surrounding her, she pulled out a pom pom that was hidden under her sleeve.

"A pom pom? What could that be used for??" Coco, the announcer, asked rhetorically as the crowd was watching the fight.

"Snake party." The female said as the tissue paper streamers turned into snakes they surrounded the female and went to attack the male.

Kairo, used his own Nen, to conjure a sword and was cutting the snakes, so once they were cut they turned back into the previous paper steamer form.

As he was cutting the snakes, one of them bit his leg, transferring a substance they would paralyze him in a few minutes.

"Snakes return..." She mumbled as the living snakes went back to the pom pom and attached on the previous area's where they were in the paper form.

As Kairo tried to punch the female, to get 10 points, or knock her out so he could win, she dodged them. She jumped back and used her Nen again, this time she brought out confetti.

"Bombfetti!" She yelled out as she threw it in his direction, at his arm, as it attached the male grabbed onto the small girl and punched her, sending her backwards as the explosion went off on his arm, ending up with his arm severely burnt and seemingly going to detach itself from his body with most of his skin being burnt.

"Critical hit for Kairo, 2 points!" The ref yelled out, getting a few boos from the crowd, as the small child got up and rubbed her cheek, which was slightly bruised. She started to walk around Kairo as he was getting ready to attack.

"Hey Kairo-kun? Wanna see a trick?" The male saw as the female, who was far away from him disappeared in a blink, she appeared behind him and whispered.

"Flick" As she flicked her finger it send him down to the ground, slamming his head onto it, knocking him out.

After a few moments passed, she had been announced the winner.

"Y/n wins, with a record of now 9-0! 2 more matches and she will be allowed to challenge a floor master!" As the female waved to the crowd she was leaving back to her room.

'I defeated him before he was even paralyzed, aww man...' She thought and continued to walk towards her room.

She yawns a bit as she continued to walk passed the rooms, soon reaching her and Hisoka's room. She opened the door and was greeted by Mr Oinks who was squealing happily at her, while Foxy, who was in his normal form instead of Plush, was resting at the end of the bed.

"Hello Mr Oinks, and foxy!" She smiled at them tiredly and hugged Mr Oinks. She yawns and crawled onto her bed and rested, starting to snore softly.

After a few minutes, Hisoka came to the room and noticed the sleeping female. He petted her head as she was sleeping.

"Well done my sweet little fox~"


Someone help, how do I turn off my creative and workaholic traitsssssss, HeLpPpPppPPPPp

(Also Y/n uses one of those pom pom things as another way to use her snake party.)

Also Also! I like reading your comments. (Its really funny tho how comments from Chapters 1-3 were all like 'Innocent baby' 'Protect at all cost' and then from Chapter 4 onwards everyone be like 'She Innocent even tho she kill' or 'we be bad hehe')

Hope you have a wonderful day Bai Bai!

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