Chapter 21: I'm sorry, I was late

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Cassandra POV

I opened my eyes and scanned through the surrounding around me. I didn't see anything except darkness with some dim light peeking through from the window. It provided a bit of brightness to the room. The panic started to bloom in my body. I breathe in and out tried to fight the creepy feeling away.

"Carlos," I called out his name, slowly crawled to the door behind. I twisted the doorknob but it was locked from outside.

"No, please don't do this," I mumbled to myself and started to get petrified. My heart started thumping rapidly.

"Hello, is someone out there?" I started to shout due to the panic effect but I heard my own voice echoed in the room. I scanned the room, looking for my phone.

"Where is my bag?" I was pacing in the room tried to trace my bag. I remembered I brought my bag with me earlier. Tears started to well up in my eyes, and soon I was weeping helplessly.

"Carlos, where are you? Please, open the door," I begged but my breath started to hitch and slowly it made me breathless. I'm sure he wasn't the one behind this. He wouldn't do anything to scare me and hurt me like this.

"Carlos, I need you," I chanted over and over with the hope that he could hear me somewhere out there. I wish he will appear in front of me and rescue me out from the darkroom.

Carlos POV

"What do you mean she is not here yet?" I questioned the driver. It was late, and she should be home at this hour.

I took out my phone and searching for her name immediately. I hope nothing happens to her. I sighed as the call was connected to the voice mail. She turned off her phone. At the moment, I can't help but recall the blackout incident that happened before.

"Steve, where are you now? Are you still waiting for her at the office?" I confirmed with the driver again.

"Yes, sir. I'm still here waiting for her but I didn't see her yet. I've been waiting since you left earlier."

"Go to my office and check if she is still there. Her phone was off. I can't reach her."

"Ok, sir. I will check it out."

"Report to me immediately. I'm on my way there." I commanded with an authoritative voice and at the same time run to my car speeding furiously to the office. I hope Steve will call me soon and told me that he found her.

"Damn, I shouldn't leave you alone, Cupcake." I blamed myself and slammed my knuckles on the steering wheel.

I went to meet Scarlet just now and talked about Cupcake's surprise party for tomorrow. I fibbed that I have a meeting to attend. I want to keep it as a secret that her best friend is here at this moment as it will be part of the surprise for tomorrow.

'Dear God, please protect my Cupcake.' I feel helpless for the first time.

"Did you found her?" I asked my driver once I arrived. We were at my office at that time.

"No, sir. She is not here in the office but I saw her bag near the ground at the parking lot." He handed me the bag. I rummaged the bag and found her phone and purse inside her bag.

"Her phone is off," I said turning on the phone.

"Steve, ask the security to look for her. The whole building, do it now. I'm sure she is still inside this building." I can't hide my furious tone anymore.

"I will go to the security room to check the CCTV." I hurried to the security room and asked the person in charge to show me the footage. I hope I will find something from there.

"The CCTV is broken, sir. Something wrong with the system, we don't have the record for the last few hours."

"What? How did you do your job? Why you didn't notice this? This shouldn't happen; this should be fixed as soon as possible." I scolded him for the ridiculous reason.

I punched the wall to release the rage that started to control me. I opened her bag again. Maybe there will be some clue inside there. I checked her phone and scanned through the latest messages and call logs history. She didn't call or text anyone. I rummaged again and found one pink paper with her name on top of it.

'Meet me at eighteen floors. I will be waiting. -Carlos'

I shook my head when I read the message on that paper. I didn't send her any notes. This wasn't from me.

"Eighteen floors," I murmured and sprinted to the lift headed to the eighteen floors. That was the abandoned floor in this building. That floor didn't open as there were some maintenance issues that need to be fixed there. I'm going to find out who wrote the message with my name.

"Cupcake! Cupcake, I'm here!" I shouted with a loud voice hoping to hear her voice.

"Cupcake, answer me. Where are you?" I ran to each room on that floor until I reached the last empty room. It was locked. I quickly kicked it and what in front of my eyes terrified me.

"Cupcake, hey, wake up." She was lying weakly on the cold floor with her eyes closed. I lifted her up from the floor and made her leaned towards my chest. I slightly shook her body.

"You came; I know you will save me." She responded to me. She squinted her eyes while her hand reached for my face, caressed me as if to make sure if I was real.

"I'm sorry, I was late." I realized my eyes were teary at the moment. I don't like to see her in this condition. I knew how much she scared of the dark. This was the second time I witnessed her suffered in this condition and it made me hate myself for unable to protect her.

"Get me out from here, please," tears streaming down from her face. She pleaded in her weak and breathless voice. Without saying anything, I lifted her up and carry her in bridal style. She placed her hands on my neck and snuggled her face to my chest closer. Her eyes remained closed.

"Steve, open the door," I commanded to the driver that followed me from behind. He quickly headed to my car and opened the door. I gently placed her down on the seat next to the driver seat and started the engine.

"Carlos," I heard her voice.

"Yes, Cupcake. I'm here." I said, holding onto her hand.

"Don't bring me to the hospital. I want to go back home, please." She requested. I don't want to pressure her, thus, I agreed with her request.

"Okay, no hospital, I will bring you back home," I promised.

"Rest now, Cupcake. You are safe now." I kissed the back of her palm, reassuring her.


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