part 44

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"Who's fault is it?who put my life into this fucking hell?who made this killer?"....."why don't you answer Mr.Kim?"

Her sharp gaze turned to Mr.Kim.He widened his eyes with his mouth hang open.He felt like someone has shoved a rock on his throat.Deoksim slowly walked to him.Her eyes were fire.Bright red.And her unshed tears showed the pure hatred burning in her body.

"Tell them.Tell them what you did"her deadly iced voice demanded."Tell them what you fucking did to my life"she snapped through her gritted teeth.

Mr.Kim was suffocating. He tried to open his mouth but no words came.

"Deoksim"he whispered her name angering her even more.

"Cat got your tongue?huh?"she scoffed."how dare you?how dare you to even stand infront of me?"

"W-What are you talking about Deoksim?"Mr.Kim asked her after gathering his strength to speak.

Deoksim clenched her jaw.She grabbed the nearest vas and crashed it to the floor making it break into pieces."FUCKING STOP IT.STOP PRETENDING!YOU FUCKING DESTROYED MY LIFE!YOU GAVE ME TO THAT MONSTER!YOU KILLED ME!"she shouted from the top of her lungs.Finally her tears rolled down showing the agony she was feeling."YOU KILLED MY SOUL!YOU LET ME SUFFER IN THAT HELL!"

Boys were shocked yet confused.They were frozen seeing her going berserk.

Mr.Kim softened his eyes.His eyes were teary finally giving up infront of her.He closed his eyes clenching his fists."I'm sorry"a small whisper left from his lips.He admitted. He knew all from the very beginning.

"Where's the promise you gave me?you-you promised me appa.You fucking promised me to s-save me"She cried hicupping."I was waiting for you"she whispered."When I was getting beaten up,where were you?when I was getting tortured,where were you?when I-I was getting whipped, where were you?when I was forced to kill rabbits by my bare hands,where were you appa?"she asked one by one.She remembered all now.She was waiting for him every second when she was tortured. Her insides were exploding now.

Mr.Kim tightly closed his eyes but he couldn't stop his tears.He desperately tried to breath.But her heart stabbing words were too painful.

"WHEN I WAS GETTING RAPE,WHERE WERE YOU?!!"her voice went to octave high blasting a glass vas near them into pieces.

Mr.Kim opened his eyes hearing that part.He couldn't breath.He stumbled backwards. He felt like a truck hit him.He knew everything except that.

Boys widened their eyes feeling the shock in their life.

Deoksim wailed falling onto the floor.Mrs.Kim covered her mouth understanding what's happening. She wasn't shocked because of Deoksim's outburst.She was shocked because she understood what she means.She looked at her husband in shock.He's her father.Real father.

Boys still couldn't understand.They were confused at what her relationship with their father.But they felt her pain.

"S-Sol-ah"Mr.Kim finally said her name shocking every single person in there except Deoksim. "P-Please forgive me"he fell on his knees with his head hanging low."A-Appa couldn't s-save you"

Jin stumbled backwards crashing with a small table.The contents on the table,all fell down.

Boys felt like a truck hit them.

"A-Appa,w-what do y-you mean?"Jimin asked not believing what he heard."S-Sol-ah? Aniyo. Sh-she is Deoksim"

Mr.Kim didn't answer. He kept apologizing with closed eyes.

Deoksim stood up.She harshly wiped her tears away."your small sorry can't fix my broken life Mr.Kim"her voice so cold.Literally no emotion.

Suddenly someone yanked her hand and pulled towards him harshly. Jungkook. His eyes were desperate yet cold."what does he mean?why he's calling you 'sol-ah'?ANSWER ME!"

Annoying brothers 1[Completed ][BTS ff]✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum