Part 53

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Jongsuk came out from the kitchen after preparing lunch.Namjoon just left after spending his time taking care of his sister.As soon as Jongsuk came to the living room,his eyes got widened seeing Deoksim standing infront of the tv staring intensively at something playing in the tv.Her shoulder wasn't healed yet.And that got him worried.

"Deoksim-ah,you should have called me if you wanted to come out!"he walked fast towards her.But he was surprised seeing her standing without showing any pain.She was just standing like nothing is wrong with her shoulder. Jongsuk was about to call her but he stopped seeing a sinister smirk playing in her luscious lips.So he slowly turned her head towards the tv.It showed an ad about the birthday party of prime minister's son.The party is going to be held royally in about 4 months.

Jongsuk was confused. "Deoksim?"

"You're invited to this party?"she asked without taking her eyes out from the tv.

Jongsuk nodded still with a confused face."Well yeah obviously since my father is a top businessman.Your father is invited too including your brothers"

Deoksim smiled nodding her head and looked at him."do you have a date to go with?"she asked taking him completely off guard.

"No?since you'll be the only one I'll ask out"he said with a playful smirk.

Deoksim avoided his eyes and sealed her lips."Then that's settled.I'll be going there with you"she said making Jongsuk's eyes go large.

"A-Are you for real?will you be my date?!"he couldn't believe what she just said.And it doesn't make any sense to him. Because as he knows,there's always a reason for her every action."but why?"

"Don't worry.You'll see"she muttered still having that sinister smirk which gave goosebumps to Jongsuk.It was really terrifying.

"What do you really plan to do?you're making me worried"Jongsuk asked slowly turning her to him by her arm.He wanted her full attention.
Deoksim smiled."Everything will be over that day"she said softly. "You don't need to know.Just enjoy the party"

With that she walked towards the room leaving Jongsuk all worried.He was worried for her.And her words made him scared.Everything will be over?what does she mean?He tried to think anything possible she might do.But he didn't have any clue.

Meanwhile Namjoon entered to the mansion with a tired sigh.But when he got inside,someone suddenly dragged him forcefully towards the living and made him sit on a couch.It was non other than Jin.Other Kim siblings were also present in there looking at him crossed arms.

"Now spill the beans"Jin ordered sternly.

Namjoon gulped hearing his words."w-what do you mean hyung?"he avoided his hawk like eyes which were observing his every move.

"Well what else?"Yoongi decided to talk."You were gone for two freaking days without a notice and came back out of nowhere and locked yourself in your room and left again without a word.And today too you went somewhere without a word and came back like nothing happened"

Namjoon chuckled nervously and rubbed his nape by his palm.He gulped seeing everyone's burning gazes boring into his skull."I-I just went to--"

Jin cut him off."Say a lie.I'll cut your tongue"he threatened taking a knife out of nowhere scaring the shit out of Namjoon. He knew that Jin wouldn't do such a thing but Jin's gaze was scaring him to the point he felt like peeing in his pants.

Jin and others were curious about where he is going everyday without saying anything to anyone.He acted so mysteriously which gained his brothers' attention.

"Okay okay.I will tell you guys.But you have to promise me that you will do as I say when you heard me"

"It depends on the story"Hoseok snapped with an uninterested look.Namjoon sighed.

"Okay.Just sit down.It's a bit long story"Namjoon signalled them to sit down.Everyone did as he said and Namjoon started to narrate what happened. "The day Jungkook came home drunk,I went outside to have fresh air.But guess who I met?"

"Who?"Taehyung asked with furrowed eyebrows.


Everyone gasped hearing her name.They became more impatient to here what happened.

"Actually, she was the one who brought Jungkook home safely.Not that bartender"

Now it was Jungkook's time to gasp.He widened his eyes."what?no way!she left me on that bridge!"

Namjoon shook his head."no Jungkook. She followed you everywhere you went to make sure you were safe.She had paid the bartender to take you home and she followed you both.She still cares for you kook.She still cares for all of us"

For the first time after 4 days,Jungkook could finally smile.He felt like a heavy weight was removes from his shoulders. He thought she hates him.But after hearing Namjoon's words,he felt like running to her again and hug her tightly.Jin smiled seeing Jungkook's smile.

"She cares for me"he whispered to himself.Jimin patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Namjoon,continue"Jin said even though he wanted to see his all brothers' hidden smiles hearing Namjoon's words.But there's more to here.

Then he continued to say about what happened that night taking everyone's breath away.Hoseok stood up aggressively. "Hyung!how could you hide such a thing from us?!Our sister is hurt and you kept it away from us!"he exploded.

Namjoon sighed."Guys listen,she didn't want me to say anything to you guys.It seems like she's in a mission now--"before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi stood up. He walked towards the main door but Namjoon quickly ran to him and stood infront of him.


Yoongi cut him off harshly."Get the fuck away from my way Kim Namjoon"his dead like gaze scared the poor Namjoon but he stayed still.

"Hyung,you can't go there!Deoksim wouldn't like it"

"I don't care!she is my sister!Are you telling me to sit back and chill when she is literally shot!I don't care if she doesn't accept us!I love her and now I'm worried so I'll go to see her and will take her back to us"

Yoongi was about to take a step but Namjoon pushed him back with a raging face."Hyung for God's sake!listen!You can't just go there openly!There's a man out there trying to kill her!And I'm damn sure that it must be that bastard of our uncle!If you go there,his minions will find out where's Deoksim.We have to be careful!"

Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Others came to them.

"We need to bring her to us"Taehyung said agreeing to Yoongi.

"No"Namjoon protested."Byunhun will know easily where's Deoksim if she's with us.I know we have high security here but I don't want to take a risk"

Just then Jimin ran outside wearing a black mask and a cap.

"Aish!"Namjoon whispered seeing his stubborn little brother.

"Jimin wait!I'm coming too!"Taehyung shouted going inside to take his cap and mask.Jungkook followed him.

Hoseok reluctantly turned around ran inside to get ready too.Namjoon sighed."you all are going to get an earful from Deoksim. She will kill me"he whined ruffling his hair.


Hey guys.

Sorry for being late.I was really busy.

Hope you enjoyed!

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Annoying brothers 1[Completed ][BTS ff]✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora