My angel KSG

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Christmas update special for my dearest readers. May all the beauty and blessings this Christmas season has to offer be with you and your family. Happy Christmas to you all! Lot of love from author. Enjoy your Christmas eve reading Seulrene story 

With love, author Mulgokizary


My love

Honey, I'm arrived!

Okay, wait a minute

I will excuse myself


After replying her husband text on Whatsapp, Irene put her phone inside her handbag. Her husband is waiting for her at the parking lot. Currently she's hangouts with her friends at the mall

"Guys, I have to go now. Seulgi is arrived"

"Unnie, we still have to walk around. We haven't eat yet" Jennie put on her frowning face when Irene told them that she have to go

"I will eat later at home"

"Unnie, I can't believe you abandon us for your husband" Joy folded her arms over her chest "Why he is so possessive?"

"I am a sinful wife if I abandon my husband" Irene smile shortly "I don't want to argue again. One day when all of you married, you will understand my feeling unless you not respect your husband. Till next time" she walk leaving her friends

"I don't know what that poor guy do to brainwash Irene. She is so whipped for him" said Solar

Jennie sigh "Maybe he cast a spell on her"

"Let continue shopping" Solar drag both of them to enter the store

Meanwhile in Seulgi car, he drive casually while his wife hugging his free arm tightly. Sometimes he caressed her cheek

"Honey, you are so clingy today. Something wrong somewhere?" he asked softly

"My friends...they talk bad about you again. I can't accept them judging you like that" Irene pouting

When they stop at traffic light, Seulgi kiss Irene knuckle "It okay. We can't change someone mindset. Everyone have rights to share their thought. Don't mind them. As long as they treat you nicely, I will be fine"

"I just don't like it when they openly insulting you. Is it wrong if I marry you just because you are not rich? Why it must be an issue to them? You are not marrying them though" Irene grumbling

"Don't think too much about them. It's not good for your health"

"I just can't understand why they can't treat you nicely" Irene groan

Seulgi cackle "One day they will stop when they don't have anything to say. Believe me they will tired"

"Why do you always take thing positively?"

"Because I don't want to deal with complicated people. I know I'm not doing wrong things. I asked for your hand properly from you parents even they not blessing us, I give you good food, provide cozy house, buying comfortable clothes and make you happy. There is nothing wrong in my action. I do everything that a husband supposed to do. They want to say this and that about me it's up to them. I don't care either. I not even close to them to care about their opinion. Now I only care about you I will work hard to give good life you. Thinking about them only tiring"

"Thank you for always make me strong. I never regret choosing you to be my husband" Irene kissing Seulgi cheek "I love you"

"I love you too Mrs. Kang"

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