You're not for rent (Part 2)

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The Velvet Publication building

Typical morning at the most popular magazine company, the staffs are busy with their daily task either in studio, office or field work. Currently team leaders of The Velvet fashion department are having their meeting with their Editor in chief, Lee Sunmi. They discuss about the progress of their work for next month issue. As usual, the teams leaders manage to show good result that make their boss satisfied.

"Overall, I satisfied with the progress and keep the good work as usual. You all never disappoint me so congratulations guys" the staff claps their hands. Sunmi tilt her head to the Managing Editor who sit on her right side flashing big smile to their team "Seulgi-ssi, our new members will arrive next week. Do you prepare their role already?"

"Yes Sunmi-ssi, they will join Dahyun team since they need more members and the newcomers are qualified to join them. From what I read in their information, both have pretty good result in that role during their internship"

Sunmi nods her head as she satisfied with the explanation "Dahyun-ssi, don't forget to add 2 more tables in your row for both of them"

"I told Mark and Jaehyun to get the table for them so I guess they done prepare it"

"Good job. Next week on Monday both of them will come to report their duty so get ready to work together with them"

"Will do ma'am" Dahyun nods her head

"Okay, that's all for today. Meeting dismiss" Sunmi announce. The staff bows their heads and left the room one by one except Seulgi and Sunmi. Seulgi gathering her documents inside the file and prepare to go out too

"Seul" Sunmi grab Seulgi arm

"Yes unnie"

"Lunch with me today"

"Unnie, I plan to eat at pantry. I not in mood to go out" said Seulgi

"Yahh, this is 4th times you rejecting me this week. What's wrong with you? Are you angry at me?" Sunmi frown

"No unnie, I just not comfortable. The staffs are thinking that we're dating now. I guess you heard the rumors too"

"So what's wrong if the rumors go around like that? Why it's bothering you?"

"It's not that, I just..." Seulgi sighs

"I don't want to hear any excuse. We will go lunch together and dinner too" Sunmi stated

"Unnie!" Seulgi whine

"What?" Sunmi glare at the younger editor

"You said it just lunch"

"You also look forward for dinner and maybe breakfast tomorrow morning too, don't you?" Sunmi smile seductively while Seulgi just stare at her annoyingly "Aigooo Seulgi-ah, don't give me that look. You're so easy to read. You can hide it from other people but not Lee Sunmi"

"I'm sorry" Seulgi slump her shoulder

Sunmi wrapped her arms around Seulgi neck and pull the bear closer "It's okay, you should make it up to me"

"Don't ask me to sleep with you. I don't want"

"Just a cuddle is fine. I miss you, you know" Sunmi pouting

"I swear I will not go out with you anymore if you seduce me like last time"

"It's not literally my fault. You just fall for me. You seem like enjoy it too" Sunmi cackle

"No such things unnie"

"If you not fall for me, you will not kiss me back, hug me and go out for dates"

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