Delivery boy

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*Doorbell ringing*

Irene walks hurriedly to the door after hearing the sound of the doorbell. She open the door greeted by a smiling delivery boy holding a paper bag

"Delivery for Irene Bae from Bae Jennie" he said

"It's me" Irene was amazed by the cute face of the delivery boy. She constantly smile at him while adoring his face 'I don't know Jennie have this handsome staff' she thought

"Jennie-ssi said you don't have to pay for this"

"Wait a minute" Irene enter with the paper bag and return again "This is for you" she give money to him

"Irene-ssi, you don't have to pay. It's in the house"

Irene boldly grabs his hand and shoved the money on his palm "It's a tip for you"

"No, you don't have to" he gives back the money to Irene

The Bae glared at him scarily "What is your name?"

"I am Kang Seulgi" he introduce himself

"How old are you?"

"28" Irene nods her head

"You're so handsome" Irene flirting

"You're not bad yourself" Seulgi flirt back

"You have good eyesight"

"I know. Ms. Bae, if you don't have anything else, I will leave now"

"I still have few things" Irene tapped her chin

"Do you want to continue seducing me?"

Irene sighs "Never mind, we will continue again next time"

Seulgi confusedly looked at the girl in front of him "What do you mean next time?"

"Next time when I see you again" Irene wink

Seulgi smiles and leans close to Irene's ear. He noticed that Irene gasped when he breath against her cheek "Well, see you when I see you again" he leaving the dumbfound Irene

"Don't try to flirt with former player" Seulgi chuckle when he is inside the elevator


Irene visits her sister at the café a few days later. It has been a while since she visited her sister because both of them are busy with their small business. Jennie run a café while Irene open her own boutique

"Unnie!" the younger Bae greet her older sister happily

"My baby sis, how are you?" both hugging each other then Irene peppered her sister with kisses on face while squishing her chubby cheeks. Even though Jennie is 27 years old, in Irene eyes, she's still a little Nini

"I'm fine unnie. Have a sit" they sit at the vacant table "How are you unnie?"

"I'm good too. I missed you that why I come"

"I miss you too unnie but sadly I'm so busy these days. I don't have time to go to your place" Jennie pout

"It's fine, we still call each other is good enough"

"You're right unnie"

"Your café is not pack this moment" Irene noticed that the place is not crowded

"It is past breakfast time so I'm not really busy. People will come for brunch now"

"Jennie, does your café open delivery service nowadays?" Irene curious

Jennie looked at her sister confusedly "No unnie, I have plan to do it but not for now"

"But a few days ago someone delivered food to me. He said it is from you" Irene panic

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