Jeff, mama & papa

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[Kwangya Kindergarten]

"Mama!!" a five years old boy run towards his mother who waiting for him with open arms

"Jaehyun, my baby!" the mother pepper her son with kisses and make him frowning "What with that face, baby boy?"

"I'm Jeffrey not Jaehyun!" Jeffrey pouting his lips

"Papa always call you Jaehyun but you don't mind"

"Papa can but mama cannot!"

"Okay, you don't love mama, huh?" Irene teasing her son

"Mama, I love you!" Jeffrey cupped his mom face and kissed her lips

Someone interrupted their conversation "Excuse me, ma'am?" the female teacher speak politely

"Yes teacher, what can I help you with?"

"Are you Jeffrey Kang's mother?"

"Yes, I'm Irene Bae, his mother"

"I'm his teacher, Park Sooyoung. Can we talk for a while?"


"Let go to my office" they walk to the teacher's office

"Sorry for disturb you time Mrs. Kang, but I have something to tell you regarding your son"

"It's okay, Teacher Park. What is it?"

"Recently, Mr. Kim Jisoo and his wife came to see me. They complain that your son is bullying their daughter, Roseanne Kim. Roseanne and Jeffrey are classmates. Roseanne didn't want to go to school because she didn't want to be disturbed by Jeffrey all the time. I hope you can talk with Jeffrey so that he not disturbing Roseanne so much" Irene glare at her son who're busy climb up and down the couch

"I'll talk to him slowly, teacher. I'm sorry for the chaos he made" Irene bow her head

"No problem, ma'am"

"Alright, thanks for telling me. I'll make sure he not repeat the same behavior after this"

"You're welcome"

Irene and Jeffrey go back to their home. Irene is upset but her son is still cool like there is nothing wrong. He don't have idea that his mom so angry at him


"Hi baby boy" Jeffrey father just come back from office

"Hey papa, I miss you" Jeffrey hugging his dad

"How was your day?"


"Good boy. Where is mama?"

"She's upstairs"

"Papa goes upstairs to wash up. We'll play later, alright?"

"Okay papa!"

Seulgi bumped into Irene in front of their bedroom door, he noticed his wife's face looked unfriendly. "Hey honey, why do you look not in the mood?"

"I have something to talk to you about. Go downstairs after you done shower" Irene said


15 minutes later, Seulgi done refresh himself and went to the living room as his wife commanded. Three of them sit at living room

"Baby, what's wrong with you?"

"Kang Seulgi, do you know that your son is embarrassing me at his school?"

"What did he do?" Seulgi looks at his son "Jaehyun, what do you do that makes mama angry?"

"I don't know" Jeffrey shrugged his shoulder

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