Kang family: Trick

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Irene and her 5 years old daughter, Kang Yeri are watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, a burger ad appears making Irene craving. She looking at her daughter then smirk

Irene: Baby

Yeri: Yes mommy

Irene: Ask daddy to buy a burger. If he don't want then you cry

Yeri: Okay mommy

The innocent Yeri goes to her parents' bedroom to meet her daddy. Seulgi is playing a video game in bedroom when his daughter comes. Yeri struggle to climb on the bed then Seulgi quickly helping her

Seulgi: Baby, you're not watching TV with mommy?

Yeri: Daddy, buy burger

Seulgi: You want to eat burgers?

Yeri: *nods her head*

Seulgi: Baby, you just ate pizza a few days ago. Next time, okay?

Yeri: Daddy please

Seulgi: No

Next thing Seulgi hears is Yeri's loud cry calling her mommy. Irene appear at the door and looked 'panic'

Irene: What happened here? Seulgi, do you tease her again?

Seulgi: No...babe, she wants to eat a burger but I say no. She just ate pizza few days ago

Irene carry Yeri to her arms and pats her back softly

Irene: Just buy it for her

Seulgi: Really? You okay with that? Usually you not allow her to eat junk foods too much

Irene: Just today. Buy for me too

Seulgi: Okay, McDonald or Subway?

Irene: McDonald

Seulgi: Okay, I will go buy it for us

Seulgi turns off his game console, then changes his clothes, ready to go out to buy burgers at a nearby McDonald's. Meanwhile, Irene leaving their bedroom with quiet laugh as her plan success



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'Hot Red Velvet Collection 🔞' published. Check it out!


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