Irene fall in love

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Kang Seulgi is working as executive secretary who is also known as executive assistant for Creative Director of IRENE, Irene Bae. She is very smart and competent, which makes her and Irene have a great teamwork. Seulgi can easily deal with their clients and customers on behalf of her boss. Irene is very proud of Seulgi's achievement since they started working together. She will never trade Seulgi with anything else

It was typical Friday at IRENE HQ, Seulgi and her boss having discussion in Irene's office

"Seulgi, do I have an appointment after this and this weekend?" Irene asking while looking at her PC

Seulgi checks her Ipad before answering Irene "Em, you're free this weekend. Today you only have one meeting on 3 PM with marketing department"

"Okay" both of them focused back on their task


Seulgi got ready to hang out with her friends since it was Saturday and she didn't have anything to do. Since it was still early to go, she lounge at living room watching weekend drama

Her phone rang on the coffee table and she hurriedly took the device because the ringtone is assigned for one person. The caller is her boss, Irene Bae

"Hello boss" – Seulgi

"Hello, what are you doing now?" – Irene

"I get ready to meet my friends. Do we need to go somewhere, boss?" – Seulgi

"No, I just stay at home now" – Irene

"So, is there anything I can do for you?" – Seulgi

"Em, I plan of have coffee with you but seem like you're meeting your friends now so nevermind" – Irene

"Boss, why don't you join us? I mean if you don't mind" – Seulgi

"Can I?" – Irene

"Of course, more is merrier" – Seulgi

"Alright, pick me up. My car is on service now" – Irene

"Noted, I'll arrive in 30 minutes" – Seulgi

"Okay, see you later" – Irene

The call ended then Seulgi skipped to her car and drive to Irene house


Seulgi arrived at Irene's house and she honked the car. Few seconds later, she saw her boss come out with a casual outfit. She jogged outside and opened the door for Irene

"Good afternoon, boss" Seulgi greet with her eye smile

"Good afternoon" Irene said and she enter the car

Seulgi drive them to the place where she will gather with her friends

"Where are we going?" Irene asked

"We'll go to eat first" Seulgi smiled and they just silent along the way to destination


After 20 minutes, they arrived at the meeting place "Here we are" Seulgi said as she pulled off in front of a stir-fried pork restaurant. Irene leans forward to look at the place

"Is this the place?" she asked and felt slightly uneasy. Well, she never go to that kind of restaurant so it a little bit strange for her

"Yes, is there anything wrong?"


"Boss, don't worry. The foods are delicious and hygienic too. Trust me, you'll love it here" Seulgi cheerfully said

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