Unwanted husband [Part 1]

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Irene read the paper on her hand lazily. It is a payment list that her husband needs for his college. Her husband, Kang Seulgi, came to her office to ask for money from her. It is not that expensive and she can afford it. Money is not a problem to her but her resentment to Seulgi makes her don't want to care a bit about him.

"Irene, please I need money for that. Payment due is tomorrow" Seulgi begging for nth time already

"I gave you money already. Just use it to pay for this" Irene answered coldly

"It's not enough Rene. If I use that money to pay for this, I will don't have pocket money for a month"

"Do you think I'm producing money here?" Irene tossed the paper to her table "If you don't want to use your money then you don't have to pay for this project. Leave now. I have lot of work to do"

Seulgi grabs the paper then leaves the office. He slammed the door hard not caring if the staff heard him. At the hallway, he bumps into Solar. She is Irene best friend and Vice CEO of her company

"Seul, what with that face? Irene scolded you again?" Solar asking softly. She know well about the hateful relationship between Irene and Seulgi

Seulgi sighs heavily "Yeah, as usual. She will never treat me properly like you did"

Solar shakes her head slowly "What is it this time?" Seulgi give the paper to Solar and she read it "Let's talk in my office"

Seulgi follows Solar to her office. Both of them sit on the couch "So you need money for your project?"

"Yes noona and it is due tomorrow. I told Irene about this since last week but she's not giving a response. That's why I come here today. However, she asked me to use my pocket money to pay for it"

"Aigoo, Irene really" Solar groan "Give me your bank account number. I will transfer money to you later"

"Noona, it's okay. You don't have to give money to me" Seulgi said awkwardly

Solar giving Seulgi stern looks showing that she does not accept rejection "Then how will you pay for your project? You will just let it fail? Seul, this project is very important for you to get good results in the final exam. Just give me your account number"

"Okay noona. I will send it to you later but please let me pay for it when I have money, okay?"

"Alright but now focus on your study first. Get good results then work hard and pay my money. You don't have to rush. I'm not going anywhere though" Solar said softly

"Thank you very much noona. I already think that I will exclude from that project if I don't meet you"

"I will help as much as I can. Besides, you're not a stranger. You are Byul best friend and I will feel bad if I can't help you with something that I can do"

"Byul hyung is very lucky having someone like you" Seulgi giggle

"I met him because of you too. If you don't marry Irene, I will never meet Moonbyul" said Solar "Hey, do you have class today?"

"No more, I only have 1 class before I come here. After this will do group assignment with my friend"

"Alright, good luck for study. If you need help, just come to me or Byul. We will help you. Don't think a lot about your wife okay? One day she will realize what she do is wrong and she is sinful wife for treating you like trash"

Seulgi nods his head "Okay noona, I will study hard and get a good job. I'm tired of living in hell every day. I do not really think about her though. Sometime I noticed that she deliberately provoking me like yesterday, throwing leftover dinner even she know that I haven't eat anything yet"

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