Kang family: 4 years old Yerim [Final]

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Yerim run to living room after her grandfather calling her. She climbs on up the couch and sit beside him

"Your daddy" Mr. Bae give his phone to Yerim

The little girl face brighten as she accept the phone and saw her dad face on screen. It has been 2 days since Seulgi is abroad and she missed her dad so much

"Hello daddy"

"Hi baby, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Daddy, when you will come back?" Yerim pouting

"Daddy will be home this Friday. Do you miss daddy?"

"Yes, I miss you so much"

Seulgi smile "Aww, daddy miss you too honey. Where is mommy?"

"Mommy is upstairs" Yerim said nonchalantly

"Why you don't call daddy with mommy phone and she not answer her phone when daddy called her just now?"

Yerim sigh "Maybe mommy still upset"

"What's wrong?"

"Mommy scolded me yesterday" Yerim said quietly


"Yes, she doesn't talk to me since yesterday" Yerim looked sad make Seulgi worry. They never fight this bad before and Joohyun will never ignore Yerim

"Do you apologize?"

Yerim nods "Yes but she still upset"

Seulgi getting worry "Can you bring this phone to mommy? Daddy wanted to talk to her"

"Daddy...she don't want to talk to me"

"Just tell her daddy want to talk to her, okay?"

"What if she scolds me again?"

"Daddy is here for you, honey. Don't scare"

"Okay" Yerim give in and walk upstairs

Yerim go to Joohyun's study and knock the door softly. After a minute, Joohyun open the door

"What?" she asked coldly

"D...daddy want to talk...to you" Yerim stutter as she still afraid of her mother

"Okay" Joohyun took the phone from Yerim then she close the door again

She settle on the chair and stare at Seulgi that watching her with dejected look. He is not pleased with what he just heard and saw

"What?" Joohyun asked

"What's wrong with both of you? You not answered my calls and texts. You are cold to Yerim just now" Seulgi interrogate

Joohyun rolled her eyes "I'm very busy that's why I not respond to you"

"Then what's wrong with you and Yerim? She said you scold her"

"Did she tell you why I'm upset at her?"

"No, I want you to tell me"

"She broke my laptop screen yesterday that's why I'm upset"

"Aigooo, you can just fix it. Don't need to be so strict to her. She don't mean it" said Seulgi

"Of course I am angry, my urgent documents are all inside that laptop and I need them for current project"

"Don't tell me you don't have backup"

"I don't have"

Seulgi scratch his head "It just broke the screen, right?"

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