Irene's wrath

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Red Velvet dorm

"What is this, Seulgi?" Irene give her phone to Seulgi so that the younger girl can see the pictures that currently shown on the screen

Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows when she saw a few pictures of her and Sunmi at the café last night "Unnie, where do you get this? Who sent it to you?"

Irene chuckled "Seulgi, these pictures flooded the SNS. No one sent it to me. I checked my Instagram and that picture was tagged to me too. I don't need anyone to give a picture of you to me. Our fans give it without I asking"


"Seul, I am not posting anything on my Instagram doesn't mean I'm not checking it once in a while. I always keep-updated about what happen to all of you"

"Unnie, it is not what you think"

"Then what do you want me to think? Thinking positive when you and Sunmi were hanging out together while last night you told me you go home directly after your radio schedule?" Irene showing cold smile "It easy to deceive me because you not stay with us anymore"

"I'm sorry for lying. My phone low battery, that's why I'm not telling you but we're not alone. Manager oppa was also there with us. He is not in the picture maybe they took it when oppa go to the toilet" Seulgi explained herself

"No new excuse?" Irene ask sarcastically because Seulgi always use the similar excuse whenever Irene caught her go out with Sunmi

She actually doesn't mind if Seulgi hangs out with her friends like Moonbyul or her non-celebrity friends. She is just insecure when Seulgi hangs out with Sunmi because Sunmi has feelings for Seulgi even though she knows Seulgi and Irene are dating. Everyone knows Seulgi is dating Irene but Sunmi never gives up. She openly shows her interest in Seulgi in front of the camera and she gets actively chasing Seulgi since Irene is taking a break for a while. She know she don't have obstacle to approach Seulgi because Irene is not around to stop her

"Sorry, unnie" Seulgi look down to her laps

Irene rubs her face "I can't always look after you. I can't go out often with you like before. I put my trust on you but you often make me insecure. You used to call me possessive girlfriend then I try not to control you so much. Now what you do to me. You can use oppa's phone to text me but you choose to hide it. Even if you try hard to sneak out to see her, I will find out. Please Seulgi, have mercy on my feeling"

Seulgi took Irene's hand and caressed it "I'm very sorry for hurting you again. I really don't mean to hide. Oppa is there with me during the meeting. We are not taking too long. Just about 30 minutes, we went home. Please forgive me"

It take few minutes of silent before Irene slowly nods her head "Okay"

Seulgi lips tugged upwards then she pull Irene to her embrace "I love you, Hyun" she kiss Irene temple

"I love you too" Irene whisper softly


Last night Seulgi slept at the dorm. She does not go back to her apartment because she has a night schedule with Wendy. She decides to sleepover since they arrive late at night and she doesn't want to trouble their manager to drive her to her apartment. They still keep Seulgi's room so that she can sleepover if she hangs out with them at the dorm. Seulgi also sleep there if she have schedule together with the members

Seulgi goes to the living room after wearing her clothes. She has an evening schedule today so she has more time to spend with Irene and the members in the morning. Yeri and Joy are also still at the dorm because they don't have a schedule today. Wendy, who is also done with her promotion, also spends her time at the dorm accompanying Irene. Sometimes she and Irene visit Joy at the studio to cheer her up. They are unable to visit Yeri at the filming set because only the cast and crew are allowed to go to the location. They just send coffee truck for her

Book of Visual CoupleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora