G.O.A.T [Part 3]

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A fine day at Bae house, the family members hangout in the backyard as they usually do on weekends. Mr. Bae and Minjeong are playing at the playhouse while the rest are gossiping. They activity halted when doorbell ringing

"Who wants to open the door?" Mrs. Bae asking her daughters

"Let's play rock scissor paper" say Irene


"Rock! Scissors! Paper!"

"Eomma, you open the door" the girls' grin innocently seeing their mom lost

"You all are so mean" Mrs. Bae complain but still go into the house to open the door

Few minutes later, Mrs. Bae returns to her family. Her expression looked panic like something not really good just happened

"What with that face, eomma?" Taeyeon asking

"Yah, do you guys have problems in the office, especially you, Joohyun?"

Irene shakes her head "No, everything is going fine. Why eomma?"

"Kang family is the guest that come just now"

"Kang?!" everyone shocked include Mr. Bae who carrying Minjeong in his arms

"Yes, Seulgi, Jimin and their parents are waiting for us in the living room. Let's go back inside"

"Okay, let's go"

The family goes to the living room to greet their guest. Seulgi and her family bow politely to the house owner

"Sir, ma'am...maybe this is a bit rude but may we know why you all come as a whole?" Mr. Bae asked carefully. He's talking to the respected family in their country so it's not weird if he is a little bit nervous

Mr. Kang chuckle before response to the question "We come here because there is something important that I and my wife want to discuss with you and your wife"

"Is it okay if the kids hear?" ask Mrs. Bae

"Yes, it's fine. It's not something private. Let's me go straight to the point, we come here today to propose Irene for Seulgi" Mr. Kang stated

Bae family members, except Minjeong, were shocked by Mr. Kang's statement just now. They don't see it coming, especially Irene. Never in her dream will Seulgi's family propose her to be their daughter-in-law

"You mean to be Seulgi's wife?" ask Mrs. Bae

"Yes, we would like to make Irene our daughter-in-law after Seulgi told us about her feelings for Irene and her intention to marry your daughter. This seem so fast but we thought the faster the better" Mrs. Kang explained

"We appreciate your good intention to make Irene as your daughter-in-law but we should hear from Irene because it's her who will go through this"

"Sure thing, what do you think, Irene? Will you accept our proposal?" Mrs. Kang looked at Irene with a soft gaze. Seulgi also stare at her with hopeful look

Irene noticed that her mother give nods to her and squeeze her hand softly to show her support on every decision she make

"As we know, this thing is so fast so I need time to think about this matter. This involves my future, wrong decisions could bring disaster for both parties. I don't want to rush" Irene said

"Okay, no problem. Think properly before making a decision. We can wait, right Seul?" Mr. Kang looking at his daughter

"Yes, take your time to think" say Seulgi

"However, I hope you are not taking a long time because I and Seulgi's father only spend two months here before we go back to New York. We look forward to hear from you faster so that we go to next step quickly"

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