Best injury ever!

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"Seungwan-ah, my shoulder hurt~"

Kang Seulgi bawling while squeezing her friend arm. Both of them are inside the ambulance on the way to hospital. Seulgi shoulder injured badly when they are playing soccer and it need to treat at the hospital

"Ayy Kang Seulgi, can you not cry like a kid? You're too old to bawl like that" Wendy embarrassed. A female medical assistant quietly cackle seeing Seulgi childish antic that not match with her cool image

"If this pain can be transfer, I will give it to you so you know how it feels like" Seulgi hit Wendy arms

"You're embarrassing" Wendy is rolling her eyes "Done crying! We're arrived at hospital now"

Seulgi was rushed to emergency department while Wendy waiting for her outside. After few minutes, a female doctor comes to check Seulgi. She is very beautiful even Seulgi haven't seen her face yet because she is wearing face mask. Hey big eyes is captivating. Seulgi already imagine how pretty she can be if she take off her mask

"Earth of Ms. Kang!" the nurse that wearing a nametag Kim Yerim waving her hand in front of Seulgi. The poor bear zoning out since god know when

"Yes...sorry miss, I'm zoning out" Seulgi blushing in embarrassment

"It okay" said the nurse "May I know what happen to you that your shoulder injured really bad?"

"I play soccer with me friends then accident happen and I end up injured my shoulder"

"Okay, Dr. Bae is still examining your injury" Seulgi give nods as respond

Dr. Bae comes to Seulgi "Ms. Kang?"

"Yes doctor" Seulgi suddenly polite

"I just checked your injury and it really bad. Ms. Kim will bring you to x-ray department then come back with the result" said Dr. Bae

"Okay doctor"

Nurse Kim Yerim and one of the attendants bring Seulgi to x-ray department. After done with examination and got the result, they return to Dr. Bae office

Dr. Bae is examining the result before she explains to Seulgi "Ms. Kang, you have joint dislocation in your shoulder. Do you ever experience the same pain before?"


The doctor nods her head "Nearby ligaments have been damaged due to dislocated joint so we need to perform surgery to repair the injuries ASAP. Now I will do initial treatment so let's move to the bed"

"Okay doctor" Seulgi carefully sit on the bed

"Do you have any family member come here with you?"

"My friend is waiting outside. Her name in Wendy Son"

"Alright" Dr. Bae talked with her nurse then the younger girl exit the room while the doctor proceed with the treatment


After surgery, Seulgi was transferred to the ward. Dr. Bae checking Seulgi condition but distracted by sound of door opened. She turn around and saw Wendy come inside followed by a taller girl

"Good afternoon Dr. Bae"

"Good afternoon Ms. Son and ..."

"Park Sooyoung or Joy"

"Okay Ms. Park" Dr. Bae smile to both girls "I am Dr. Bae Joohyun or you can call me Dr. Irene. I am in charge of your friend"

"How is she now Dr. Bae?" Joy asking

"Her condition is stable and will wake up in few hours"

"Doctor, how long her recovery will take?" Wendy questioning

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