Kang family: mommy

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"Good morning daddy!" 5 years old Yerim greet her dad at dining table

Seulgi gives his daughter a morning kiss on her chubby cheeks then helps the girl to sit on the chair "Good morning baby. Do you brush your teeth already?"

"Yes dad" Yerim takes a sip of her milk "Where is mommy?"

Seulgi let out soft sigh then he smile shortly "Mommy is working"

"Today is Sunday, dad" Yerim said quietly

"I know but your mom said she has urgent work to do. She leave home early in the morning"

Yerim's face turned sad "When can we hang out together again? I want to play with mommy"

Seulgi understands his daughter's feelings. Since early this year, Irene rarely spends time with both of them. She is too busy with her work. She comes home late at night, leaving early in the morning and sometimes during the weekend she also has to go to the office. Seulgi doesn't want to think negatively about his wife. He tried to understand her career. She just got promoted as executive director in one of the famous cosmetic companies and her current position demands her to work extra hard. Seulgi doesn't want to bring up the issue because he doesn't want Irene to think that he is a possessive husband. Luckily his work does not demand him to work overtime or travel so he can spend maximum time with his daughter. He will do his best to make time for little Yerim even he know he can't fill the gap that supposed to fill by her mother

"Baby, listen to daddy, okay?" Yerim slowly looked at her dad with teary eyes. "Mommy is working hard so that you can buy a lot of books, toys, dresses and delicious foods. She doesn't mean to abandon you. One day, she will spend time with us like before. When that day comes, you can do whatever you want with mommy, alright?"

"But daddy, you also working yet you still can play with me" Yerim frown

"We're not working at the same place, that's why we're different. You remember mommy working at a big office, isn't it?" Yerim nods her head "Good, for now you will only play with daddy while mommy is working. Not only daddy...Uncle Byul, aunty Jennie, Uncle Jisoo, Aunty Lisa and Aunty Sunmi are there for you. They will play together with you anytime you wanted"

"Okay daddy"

"Good girl" Seulgi pats Yerim head softly "Now continue our breakfast. Daddy makes tuna mayo sandwich for you. After that, we wash our car"

"Daddy, can we go to Aunty Jennie house? I want to play with her"

"Sure, daddy will call her later so she not go anywhere"

"Okay daddy"


As Yerim requested, she and her dad go to Jennie and Jisoo's house. Jisoo is Seulgi's cousin and they are close to each other. When Seulgi is working, Jisoo's wife, Kim Jennie, will babysit the little girl. Jennie is a teacher at kindergarten where Yerim studies so it is easy for her to keep her eyes on Yerim. Seulgi will drive Yerim to their house in the morning then he will pick her up in the evening or whenever he goes home. Their house is just a few blocks away from each other. Since the couple haven't had a child yet, they spoil Yerim like their own daughter.

"Aunty Jennie!" Yerim run to Jennie soon as she enter the house while Seulgi and Jisoo walk behind her

"My baby!" Jennie opens her arms widely then the little girl throws herself to Jennie warm embrace. She carries Yerim to the living room "How are you today, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine aunty" Yerim squishing Jennie's cheeks with her small hands

"What do you eat for breakfast?"

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