Mrs. Kang's daughter

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Bae Joohyun or Irene, 29 years old work as a lawyer. She is one of the most sought after attorney as she successfully handled lot of cases. Despite her impressive achievement in her carrier, she is really down to earth that make her staff feel comfortable working with her. She might look cold but actually she is really warm with people around her.

As typical day, after office hour end she will go back straight to her house. She is not type of roaming around or hangouts on weekday unless her friends invite her out. Irene stayed alone at her house while her parents and her sister working abroad.

"Welcome home Joohyunnie" her maid, Mrs. Jung greet her when she enter the house

"Aigooo, thanks imo"

"How was your day?" Mrs. Jung helps Irene to carry her bag

"Better than yesterday, today not really tiring"

"That's good then. You looked miserable yesterday"

"Sorry for making you worry" Irene said sincerely

"I don't want you to sick like before. You work too hard until abandon your health. It's not good"

"Imo, you sound like umma" Irene whine cutely

"Your umma trained me well that I sound like her now" both of them cackle "Do you want to eat now or after you wash up?

"Emm, I will wash up first after that we eat together"

"Alright, I will set our table"


Irene and Mrs. Jung really close to each other. That woman is like her second mother since they spend lot of days together and stay at same house. Mrs. Jung worked with Irene almost 8 years already. She treated her like her own daughter.

Both of them have dinner together as usual. Mrs. Jung just makes simple dinner as Irene request. She doesn't want to waste food so she asked Mrs. Jung to cook enough for both of them.

"It has been a week since you request for your favorite food. Are you that craving?" Mrs. Jung adores the younger girl enjoying her food. She love seeing Irene eating because that girl never wasting her food unless she is sick

"I will miss these foods when you leave me that why I asked you to cook this every day. I won't get boring eating this every day if you cook for me" Irene talk while munching the remaining food in her mouth

Mrs. Jung looking at Irene sympathetically "Aigooo poor thing, you know that I don't mean to resign but my daughter need me by her side when she deliver her baby since that is her first child"

"I know imo. Don't worry about me. Your family is first. I don't know how to thank your family because they let you stay here with me instead of by their side. I owe them a lot" Irene said sincerely

"You're also really good with them. You always buy lot of things for them when I go visit them. They will miss you a lot after this"

"I will visit you when I'm free and I hope I can go when your grandchild born"

"Okay, make sure you call me before you go. Don't make surprise or I can't cook for you because you not inform me early"

"Okay imo"

"My replacer will arrive this Friday"

Irene put her spoon on her plate as she done eating "Oh, I almost forgot about her. Do you think I can stay with her like I stay with you?"

"Of course, you should trust me. I look for a good replacement for you. She is my best friend and we come from the same hometown. I know her since we're young. She is kind person. You will make good relationship with her"

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