Always find you [Part 3] - ft. Wendy

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Wenrene apartment

Wendy arrived at home after settle with her work. Irene stayed alone at home as usual since Wendy not allow her to work since her headache would come back anytime. It has been 3 years since they are together. Irene remembers some of her childhood memories which make Wendy happy with her progress. She still works hard to help Irene to gain her memory back.

"Baby, I'm home!" Wendy said after lock the door

"I'm here baby, at the kitchen!" Irene answered

Wendy give warm hug to the smaller girl and kiss her cheek "What are you doing here?"

"I just finish make warm tea for you. Do you want to eat something?" Irene kiss Wendy lips after questioning her

"No, I'm not hungry. Just tea is enough"

"Alright, let sit" they sit at the table then Irene pour the tea for them

"Thanks baby"

"How's work today?"

"Everything is fine as usual"

"I guess you're not busy today since you can come home early" Irene play with Wendy fingers

"You're right, plus I miss you so much"

Irene pinch Wendy cheek lightly "Silly, you see me every day. Don't act like we don't see each other for years"

"You're very beautiful and loveable that I want to have you in front of me anytime" Wendy pull Irene closer to her and rest their forehead together



"Thank you for marrying me. Since I become your wife, I am the happiest woman on earth" Irene stare at Wendy lovingly

"Baby, you keep saying that words since a year ago..." Wendy stop talking when Irene place her finger on Wendy lips

"I want you to remember how thankful I am since we're together. Don't ever forget that. Marry you is the best ever decision I ever made" Irene peck Wendy lips

Wendy smile warmly "I always remember that honey. Remember that I will always by your side until I can't do it anymore"

"You should always do it. No one will protect me if not you" Irene whine

Wendy smile bitterly but Irene don't noticed it "Alright baby, I will do"

'Rene, if you recover, will you say the same thing to me again? Am I still your wife if you get your memory back? Will you choose me over her?'

Lot of questions always play in Wendy's mind whenever she stare at Irene when her wife sleep or when they being sweet with each other. Sometimes she cries herself when she think that one day Irene will leave her like she used to. She know sooner or later, she have to let Irene go if Irene push her away. She hope that when Irene remember everything, they will still with each other but she not expect it will true. She is not confident after all. Whatever happen in future, she will let Irene decide it. If Irene still wants her, they will together forever but if Irene choose her girlfriend, she will let her go. It was her promise that she never tell Irene since the day they decide to settle down last year.


Irene resting on the couch after they have dinner. Her head is throbbing again since morning. When it happen, she can't walk a lot because she can collapse anytime. Her head hurt after the same dream about the same girl but she still can't see her face. In her dream, she call the girl with nickname and the girl voice is really soothing. It keep lingering in Irene mind every now and then. Wendy also know about it since Irene always tell her wife about the girl in her dream

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