Chapter 11

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Annabeth's POV

Eclipse told Gemma and I to run and that she would catch up with us back at the pack house but she never came. Gemma and I now sat shivering from head to toe on the couch worrying about Eclipse and what we would tell Callum. "Why didn't she tell us she had some problem with rouges?" Gemma asked snuggling closer to my side under the blanket. "I don't know but she was stupid not to" I replied. Just then Callum walked threw the door clearly tired from patrol. "Hey guys where's Eclipse?" he said. Neither of us could reply to him Gemma made a squeaking sound and tucked her head under the blanket. Callum's face suddenly turned serious a deadly glint in his eyes,"where is she?" He said threw gritted teeth. I drew a deep breath I had to tell him he's her mate and its my duty as her friend. "We were at the beach and some rouges appeared they demanded for her she took us up and told us to leave after she struck a deal with the rouges to let us go free after much protesting she forced us to leave the leader sent several wolves after us which we took care of but Eclipse never returned like she said she would." I said with my head in my hands. "What!" Callum roared. "The day I got her back she was fighting some rouges but didn't do much to tell me about the and I didn't question her cause I knew she would hate it and ghosh am I an idiot not to" he said collapsing against the wall clutching his heart. The pain of not having your mate by your side it hurts I know how he feels. But I'd never know the pain he feels knowing that his mate could be in mortal danger. "Callum I'm-"
"Don't even think of saying your sorry just don't" he said shaking his head.

Eclipse's POV

"Ah my little bird how nice is it to be back after so long I do believe you even forgot what I look like" A mans voice sounded from the shadows of my cell. I dragged myself into sitting position my head pounding, and my mouth felt like rubber from lack of water. "Who are you?" I croaked my voice sounded dry and hoarse. "Oh I think you know me" he said stepping out of the shadows. I gasped last time I was hear I didn't see him very often so I couldn't remember what he looked like after two years. So when I next saw he io lay vaguely recognised his voice but couldn't put two and two together. I front of me stood David, Alpha fucking David my mates alpha and I suppose my alpha now. "You you little bitch" I said flinging my self at him. He simply sides tempt my attack and I landed with a thump on the ruff concrete floor scrapping my body. "Ahahaahh little one" he said waging his finger at me.
"What so you want with me?" I said pulling myself back up.
"I want your powers honey your a night angel the power of the night runs in your veins with your power is werewolves can be even stronger in the night the best predator out there"
"And why couldn't you do this to some other night angel there are plenty out there why were you so determined to get me"
"Because the moon goddess took your memory shoved you in the forest so you could eventually find your mate and it just made it so convenient for me." The goddess did all that so me and Callum would be together?! "Yes now darling rest up big day tomorrow and then after that well fun times for me you well you'll be in a body bag on your way to the rubbish dump won't you" he smiled at me sweetly as he left the cell. Oh Callum forgive me please forgive me I left you all alone for the rest of your life, I'm sorry. I sobbed huddled in the corner of the cold hard cell with my knees brought up to my chest.

Callum's POV

I ran around the sight where Eclipse was taken trying to find a sent trail but all sent was gone. I couldn't pick up the beautiful sent of spring rain, fresh air and flowers. I sat against a tree with my head in my hands all hope vanished. A loud screech filled the air making. My head snap up in front of me stood Alette flapping her wings wildly. Of cause her bird surely shed know where Eclipse was taken. My dear my beautiful beautiful dear I'm come ing hold on for me please hold on I thought jumping to my feet Alette fluttered of into the air and I pulled my self onto my spotted grey horse, Gizmo and followed Alette.

After half a days ride Alette led my to a steel door bolted into the ground she fluttered around the door screeching. "I hate to say this bit tomorrow I'm as tired as a sloth and it's getting dark. Alette dipped her head in what looked like a nod and curled up to my side. "Is this you saying fine I'll be your friend" I said cocking my head at the bird. She was a monster to me when Eclipse wasn't around we had a 'little' disagreement going on. She looked up at my then flew off hitting me with her wing, then nestled on a branch. "Guess not" I said closing my eyes and falling into a sleepless night.

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