Chapter 8

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Callum's POV

On the way back to the house literally every female I pasted glared the vegezas' out of me. Word travels fast in a pack everyone can sense what is going on though the pack bond unless you keep it closed. Most keep the bond closed unless someone is trying to communicate with you. When I left to find Eclipse I had just finished talking to Jim in the bond, so everyone knows what happened since I forgot to close it. Grumbling I slammed my bed room door and through my self down on the bed face in the pillow. Eclipses sent wafted up to me making me cry for her "oh what have I done."

I changed the bed sheets to stop my self thinking of Eclipse or I'd end up crying for all eternity. I decided to go for a run that's a good way to release pressure. Changing into my wolf I took of to do a lap around the territory I'd get back late tomorrow I can always say I was doing border patrol. As I was going along the edge I sniffed alpha's sent, that was odd he never went near the border it was all very suspicious to me. Following the sent trail it lead over the line out of the territory. Now that was odd to say in the least.

I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach grumbling I haled my self out of the bed wow it felt like it was 2 in the morning. I looked over at the clock to see it was 6 "urh I thought it was early." Another gab came in my stomach then it hit me I was feeling that something was happening to Eclipse. I quickly linked alpha threw on some cloths and ran into the bush.

Unknown POV

In my dark brown wolf I quickly ran though the forest what I do is very risky but it for a far better cause. Loud shouting was coming from just up ahead, "nah I want da new shirt"
"But I bought it ya know how much de ting costs"
"Would you shut up!" I called walking towards them. They have a habit of fighting over shity subjects. "Stupid, bloody, idiot rouges" I muttered under my breath.
"We heard that" Ben said he's a tall and burly dark haired man.
"Does it look like I care who's the leader here"
"Oh father don't get a head of your self you forget we are rogues we answer to no one but out selves" James my son said he looked just like my mate but in boy form.
"You answer to me"
"Whatever what news have you got for us now?"
"She has run away back to her little hidey hole so we can form an attack and finish the job I want her little skills to make me the strongest werewolf ever now!"
"Can we have fun with her again?" Ben asked.
"Do whatever the hell you want with her I just want her skills get a group of guys to go get her try not to fail...again." I said over my shoulder as I left.

Eclipse's POV

The next day when I woke up I heard growling from below me, looking down I saw about five wolves snarling up at me. "Come on guys it's like 6 in the morning can you rouges let a girl get her beauty sleep you know your attacks never work you'll never drag me back to your hell hole again you do realise that." Sighing I slung down from the branch I was on and began the monthly routine of simply defending myself against the monster that I encountered two years ago. What he did to me only my mate can do to me. At the thought of my mate I froze over allowing a wolf to leap at me but I quickly swung the branch I was holding into him sending him flying into a tree, he didn't move again. Urh finally last one down.

Callum's POV

My paws carried me fast bush flashing by till I reached Eclipse's place and the sight was one to behold. I simply stood shocked on the spot not able to do anything as Eclipse swung around with a branch in hand and knocked the last wolf up against a tree. Grinning to her self she looked around the bush till her eyes landed on me, shocked her mouth hung open, "what are you doing here?" She asked malice dripping in her tone. "Um I felt you fighting so I came"
"I don't need you never did never will so not sorry to waste your time you may leave"
"Hey I came on impulse and I would like to sincerely from my heart say sorry for my rash words the other day obviously you can look after your self very well can you forgive me?" I asked her putting everything in my hear out there on one knee pleading to her. "I love you please forgive me." She seemed to think over my words for quite some time when I said that I love her she seemed quite taken back. Having a little was with her self she finally said, "I may have over reacted last time but please know that what you did is one of my most hated things as you can see I can very well take care of my self."

Eclipse's POV

Every word I said was hard I did want to go back to him but in my own terms this time. He had to understand these things about me and really it was a damn hard choice. "I'll forgive you but only if you respect me this can not happen again or I am gone"
"Yes yes of causes u didn't mean what I said before truly I was just-"
"Callum" I said warningly.
"Yes sorry I'll shut up." With that he ran up to me engulfing me in his arms. When he pulled back he just stared at me smiling straight into my eyes. On impulse I lent forward transfixed on his face. He bent down till his lips met mine I was startled at first then cooled down enjoying the sensation of his lips moving on mine. I pulled back gasping for breath my checks flushed red Callum held my face cupped in his hands. "Umm y-you wanna go t-to the b-beach?" I stuttered thinking of anything to get out of this awkward situation.
"Sure I haven't been in ages"
"Cool hold on." I flew up holding him against my chest. As I swopped over the bush I headed over to the beach. It was always empty isolated no way to get there from land as it was surrounded by tall cliffs of granite. I sometimes went here when I wanted a bit of an adventure away from home.

I landed softly of the sand feeling the cool salty breeze in my hair. "Wow I've never been to this beach before it beautiful" Callum exclaimed. The tall onyx red cliffs rose up behind us, soft white sand so fine that it squeaked when you walked in it and the beautiful pristine turquoise blue water spread out in front of us. I pulled my dress off dumping it on the sand, and ran towards the water in just my underwear. Laughing I dove into the perfect water seeing fish and bright colourful coral protecting the the water from the large waves that are further out the sea, Callum dove in after me. "I missed you so much" he said to me.
"I suppose I did miss you a big as well but I still hate you"
"Oh yeah?"
"Really" then I slashed him and giggling swam away.
"Hey you come back here" he yelled after me and began chasing me. When he caught up to me he splashed water in my eyes. "Ahh it burns it burns I can't see" I yelled trying to get the salt water out of my eyes. "Haha pay back"
"Oh it's on like donkey kong" I said then we began a water fight splashing and tackling each other like little kids.

After our swim we lay on the beach relaxing and just having a general conversation, Callum told me about his childhood when he went to school in the city. He told me what it's like there and helped me catch up on all the stuff I've missed out on the past four years. It was really peaceful until this motor boat came into the bay. A middle aged man hopped out of the boat and came towards us with a confused look on his face. Panicking I quickly hid my wings before he noticed them. "Haven't seen anyone on this beach before how'd ya get here?" He asked with a very strong accent the typical accent people think of. "Did you's' swim here I ain't see no boat of ya's'"
"Uh no our friend dropped us of here and went on to go fishing elsewhere" Callum lied smoothly.
"Ah right" the man said extending his hand he said, "me names Bob"
"Oh hi Bob this is Callum and I'm Eclipse nice to meet you" I said sweetly ignoring his out stretched hand there's no way in hell I'm shaking that. "Where you's' from?"
"Oh the city" at the word city he looked confused.
"Busselton" Callum cut in smoothly. So that's the name of the town right I always wondered that one. "Ah em' from a farm just a little way along da' coast der'"
-What is with this guy did he not go to school and learn how to talk?- Callum asked me.
-Pff seems like it-, "ah we should be going now" I said getting up and pulling my dress on.
"But your boats not ere'" he said looking back out to the water. I just smiled sweetly at him and made my way towards the cliff. -What are you doing we should wait till he's gone till we go-
-You forget we're not the only people here stuck with him-
-What?- ignoring his questions I called Alette -Alette are you around?- I asked her.
-Yeah what do you need?-
-Can you distract that man so Callum and I can get out of here-
-Consider it done sister- she cut the bond and after a bit made her appearance. With a loud shrill cry she swooped down and flutter in front of the mans face making him run around like a man possessed. I picked up Callum a swopped up the cliff and over the bush sone joined by Alette. -Peace out motherfucker- she said nodding over at me. -Amen sister.-

"Now that was something I wasn't expecting" Callum said when I landed back on the ground.
"Oh I've got everything up my sleeves"
"Honey I hate to brake it to you but your not wearing sleeves"
"Oh damn my life is over nooooo!" I said sarcastically.
"Eclipse!" I heard someone shriek then I was tackled in a gigantic hug. When they pulled away I saw it was Annabeth. "Come on you look a state"
"Oh come on I'm not that bad"
"Your hair is so fucked up I don't even want to speak about it"
"It was just a swim at the beach"
"Well it certainly left its mark" with that she dragged me of to the pack house.

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