Chapter 6

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When I woke up Callum was gone looking over at the bedside table the clock read 9:00 ghosh I slept in. I got out of bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and made my way to the bathroom. After I had my shower I brushed the tangles out of my hair and put it in a long braid down my back. I put some moisturiser on and applied some mascara, dark eye shadow and lipgloss, yes despite living in the forest for the past four years and losing my memory I did know about this stuff and I loved it made my green eyes pop. I went into the closet and looked for some clothes. I chose a black of the shoulder t-shirt with in deep grey the print of a tiger face, black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of wedge heeled ankle boots.

I made my way to the kitchen cooking some bacon and eggs was a pretty girl who looked about 20. She had straight white blonde hair, grey eyes, she was had a petite figure and looked only 5,4 which was very small for a werewolf. She had a pale blue dress on that went to just above the knee and silver flats. She looked up and grinned at me when I sat down on the bar stool across from her, "hello I'm Annabeth the the Luna you crescent" she said cheerfully shaking my hand.
"Yeah, nice to meet you Annabeth I'm Eclipse" just then Alette came screeching down the stairs and landed on the bench, giggling I said, "and this is Alette"
"Oh I love birds, Eclipse I've never heard the name Eclipse before but I like it suits you, ghosh so much black dear what ever happened to bright colours"
I just shrugged and said, "suits me"
"I suppose it does. Would you like some breakfast?"
"Yes please thank you" I said just as my stomach decided to make an appearance making us both laugh.

"So wheres Callum?" I said just as I downed the last peace of bacon on my plate.
"Oh he's on boarder patrol should be back tonight for your announcement, oh speaking of that I got to help you find a dress to wear but we'll do that later"
"Urh I forgot about that it was supposed to happen yesterday but I kind of freaked out when the alpha grabbed my wrist"
"Yes I heard about that David can be a little ruff some times and hurry's people along truthfully I can't believe he's my mate I hate him to bits and beyond oh the goddess has her cruel moments."

We spent the rest of the day talking and hanging out, she gave me a tour of the territory immediately we became best friends. She even gave me the run down on the mating process which freaked me out but she managed to calm me down. It was now 5 and we were in my room picking out a dress for me to wear tonight the event was to start at 6:30. "How about this one" Annabeth said pulling out a knee length baby blue dress with a sash around the waist. "Urh" I said falling back on the bed. "No remember I'm not like you in fashion nothing to bright and girly"
"Oh Eclipse I'll never know what to do with you" she said and went back to rummaging in to closet. "Okay I've got the one" she squealed. I sat up on the bed and looked at the dress in her hands and immediately fell in love, it had a black bust then a black sash tied in a knot at the back and the dark grey fabric fell down to the ground from bellow the bust. "I don't understand why this is such a big event and is all fancy and stuff" I said to Annabeth while she did my hair. "Oh it's just an old werewolf tradition its big for us cause we have a high position in the pack you should of seen mine it was amazing"
"Well it's weird"
"Haha depends what your used to, okay tell me what you think" she said turning me to the mirror.
"I love it!" I exclaimed. She had curled my hair and clipped it so it fell over one shoulder simple yet beautiful. "Good now makeup." She put some dark eye shadow on, mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. "Okay put on the shoes and jewellery I've laid out while I go get ready" with that she hurried out of the room.

I slipped on the silver, strapped, high heels and put on the jewellery. Silver hoop earrings, diamond bracelet and a silver necklace with a little gold bird charm that fell against the hollow of my neck.

I was taking in my appearance when Annabeth came bustling back in. She wore a red cocktail dress, gold sparkling stilettos, a ruby love heart on a gold chain, bangles and dangling earrings. Her hair was pined back on either side with diamond pins. "Dude do we have an excess of money or what?" I asked. Annabeth just shrugged and adjusted my hair. "Hello ladies" Callum said strutting into the room. "My my do you look staggering tonight" he said rapping his arms around my waist.
"Thank you" I said stepping out of his embrace. "You look like a pig" I said sending him a cheeky grin. He had on suit pants, polished black shoes, a crisp white shirt rolled up too just bellow the elbows and a silver tie to match my dress. He looked sexy to say in the least you could literally see his abbs under neath the shirt. "How could you say that when your basically eye rapping me, I know I'm sexy no need to remind me." Blushing furiously from being caught staring at him I turned away looking out the window. "Aww is whittle mate blushing?" He said teasing me.
"Nice tree" I said trying to change the subject, don't judge it was the first thing that came to mind and it was just there out the window. Him and Annabeth burst out laughing at my failed attempt. "Shut up you two can we get this over with already?"
"Okay okay we'll be late anyway come on, but I'm never letting this go." Glaring at him I followed him out the door with Annabeth behind me.

When we reached the pavilion where the event was taking place the whole pack was gathered there around 25 members from what I could see. Annabeth stood by the alphas side smiling at the crowd, in the alphas left, next to Annabeth, was the omega I was told was called Jim. Callum walked up on the alphas right telling me to wait here. "Welcome everyone to the grand event of introducing our betas mate your crescent" alpha said in a loud booming voice. Callum beckoned to me and wearily I made my way up the stairs. When I stood next to Callum loud cheers rose up from the crowd and ones they quietened down they all bowed to me. Callum stepped forward dragging me with him, "this is Eclipse my mate your crescent" he said holding me close to him. The tone of his voice was that of ownership and it was like he was threatening everyone to try take me letting the crowd know I was his. This made me comfortable yet I hated being treated like an object.

After all the formalities I mingled with the rest of the pack Annabeth leading me around introducing me to everyone. Callum by my side protectively the whole time, it really irritated me the way he was being so protective I could look after my self I did it for four years! "Oh Eclpise I would like you to meet my little sister Gemma" Callum said leading me over to a little girl sitting on a bench. When she saw is she bounced up grinning wildly, she was basically a carbon copy of Callum except younger and in girl for obviously. Long wavy blonde hair and those piercing blue eyes. She was tall almost up to my shoulder, she wore a pretty white lace dress that went down to mid thighs it had short lace sleeves, she also had a pair of white sandal wedged heels. "Hello I'm Gemma you must be Eclipse" she said kind,y shaking my hand. "I truly do feel sorry for you having my brother for a mate my heart goes out to you"
"Then you and I will be great friends we're already on the same page" I said laughing.
"Hey you two that hurts" Callum said clutching his heart.
"Oh shut up" Gemma said playfully punching him in the arm. Oh sibling love it's the best I thought shaking my head at the pair. I felt a tingle in my brain the way Callum and Gemma were fighting it seemed so familiar to me, but where, where from. All this thinking gave me a bad headache groaning I sat down on the bench holding my head in my hands. In a flash Callum was next to me and Gemma was looking at me worriedly. "Hey babe are you okay" Callum said holding my shoulders. "Yeah sorry I just, urh, I just almost remembered something of my past and it gave me a headache I'm fine now though it just so annoying I was so damn close" I said slumping back.
"Hey it's okay don't stress your self"
"Yeah yeah I know, oh and by the way don't call me babe" I said getting up.
"Fine then oh look my parents come on I have to introduce you." Oh shit his parents! Callum dragged me towards a couple by the drinks table. "Mum, dad this is Eclipse my mate" he said.
"Oh hi dear nice to meet you" his mum said shaking my hand, she has light brown hair and the same blue eyes as the kids. "Hello" his dad said shaking my hand, he had blonde hair and soft drown eyes both parents were very tall. We talked for a bit about random stuff his family was very nice and seemed to really like me which I was relived about.

Lying down on the bed my eyes slowly drifted shut long night I was exhausted. I had tried to bring back the memory but it just wouldn't come I could hardly see it the first time. I knew now siblings meant something to me maybe I had a brother or sister my self I just didn't know, I didn't know anything!

Callum's POV

When I came out of the bathroom Eclipse was fast asleep lying on the bed with her feet dangling over the edge. Careful not to wake her I picked her up in my arms and slid her under the blankets next to me holding her against my chest. It was so scary tonight when she groaned sitting on the bench holding her head. I felt so bad for her how horrible it must be to not remember anything. When she finally told me about not remembering anything I was in shock about the whole thing I couldn't imagine it. Though it wasn't the reason why she was so scared of werewolves though to me that was the biggest mystery to me. Yesterday when she said the alpha sounded like 'him' I was at a loss and alpha seemed quite offended. He doesn't seem to like my mate and that made me angry but then again alpha doesn't seem to like anyone not even his own mate, the feelings were mutual everyone knew that. In her sleep Eclipse rolled over and snuggled against my chest, I was glad that I didn't wear a shirt to bed tonight her skin was so soft and smooth and... I was sounding like a pervert. Holding Eclipse against my chest I fell asleep breathing in her intoxicating sent.

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