Chapter 14

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I flew towards the now familiar lake with a small jetty leading out to the canoe tied up. Sitting at the end of the jetty with her feet dangling in the water was none other then Chloe. This was our special place we always came here when we where feeling down. I landed lightly next to her and plopped my self down letting my feet dangle in the water. "Hey" I said to her. She looked over and almost feel into the water out of shock but caught her self before she landed in. "Eclipse" she breathed as she poked my arm as if to test if I was real or just a figure of her imagination. "Chloe" I said jokingly back.
"Your alive?"
"And why wouldn't I be"
"You disappeared for 4 years with no trace to be found and now you just appear again like it was nothing" she said throwing her hands in the air.
"Hey hey Chloe it wasn't my choice to leave the moon goddess took me-"
"Really? So what if she took you, you couldn't come back?"
"Chloe just hear me out would you lease" I begged her.
"Then you better get on explaining tell me everything every little detail of the last four years." So I did I explained to her about how the goddess took my memory. Put me in the bush in order for me to meet Callum. I told her all about the rouges which she was out raged by. Then she loved the fact about how I went all kick ass and became the alpha of my pack. "Well I suppose that gets you off the hook" she said giving me a massive hug.

I spent the next three weeks at mum and dads, I couldn't call I my house any more I lived with the pack. I met my brothers' and sister's mates as well which was entertaining. But the main thing that happened over the tree weeks is me sitting on the toilet shaking. I was supposed to have my period two weeks ago! It still hasn't come I haven't asked or told anyone about it, but I think I pregnant. I have started to notice some of those changes, I tired a lot of the time I eat so much food and I'm like that grumpy old bitch no one likes. But now I knew I knew for sure I was pregnant, but how do I tell everyone I'm 18! for gods sake its like teen mum.

Taking a deep breath to compose my self I decided to go home and tell them at a later date. Yeah yeah yeah give me the certificate for best daughter ever but whatever. -Alpha rouges- one of the pack members called through the new mind link that was established when I became alpha. Why thank you sir for giving me a damn good reason to get the hell out of here. -On my way now- I told them. Sprinting out the door I grabbed Callum and flew back to the territory.

When I arrived I saw a huge fight taking place between my pack and the rouges. I swooped in and began taking care of several rouges. I was just about to take one down when Annabeth flung her self in front of him. "Annabeth what the hell" I yelled at her outraged at why she would protect the boy whimpering on the ground behind her. "Mate" she growled pulling the boy to his feet. "The house now" I said leading them off.

"Okay spill" I said when we waked through the door, "how can you have a mate after your other one dies"
"Its rare but it can happen me and David never mated and he didn't mark me plush I'm still young. So when he died I was gifted with another mate. I guess that's also why I didn't feel that bad when you killed David" I flinched when she said. 'when you killed David.' -He's a rouge!- I said through the link.
-So he's my mate-
-But can we trust him-
-He seems nice just look at him standing there all awkward-
-But if he was working with David and still believes in his ways- I said pointedly.
-You just gotta open up to people-
-How can you expect me to open up to people!-
-You opened up to us and it didn't do any harm did it?-
-Well your not exactly a rouge now are you?!-
-Please just give him a chance- she pleaded desperately, -I don't wan't to be an a loner for the rest of my life-
-One chance he gets one chance and if he messes it up I wont hesitate to kill him- I said and she nodded her head vigorously. "The introducing will be tonight" I pronounced out loud.
"Alpha all rouges are dead" Andrew the new omega said coming into the lounge room. Turns out the old one was working with David and Andrew was a close friend of Callum's and could be trusted. "Y-your alpha?" Annabeth's mate said looking at me then at my wings. "Yes get used to it" I said coldly towards him before marching up the stairs dragging Annabeth behind me.

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