Chapter 13

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Callum walked through the empty compound with me in his arms and Alette sitting on his shoulder. Finally we reached the exit to see the most beautiful sunset the world has seen rising from the horizon. Callum placed me on my feet and hopped up on his horse. I saw mine standing next to his and I pulled my self up onto her grateful for the fresh air. "You thought of any names for her?" Callum said asking about my horse.
"Yeah Tamriel" I said smiling at him. (A/N for those people who play Skyrim or any of the Elder Scrolls games yes I did name the horse Tamriel cause I'm awesome and so is Skyrim 😄😜) Callum smiled at me and we rode back to the pack. The feeling of the wind on my face was delightful cells are like so boring there is nothing to do in them I know its outrageous they should so think about people's entertainment.

When we arrived back at the pack everyone I passed stop and bowed to me, "umm Call why are they bowing?" I asked seriously confused.
"Your the alpha"
"Um no I'm not!"
"Well you should of thought of that before you went and killed David" he said laughing at me.
"Oh my god Annabeth!" I said suddenly remembering the fact that David was her mate. "We'll talkj about this alpha thing latter I gotta see her" I said speeding off.

"Annabeth!" I yelled as soon as I walked in the door.
"Oh my god Eclipse you'r alright!" she said running up to me engulfing me in a huge hug. "Oh thank you so much"
"Thank you for what?" I said confused, "I killed you'r mate!"
"Exactly you killed him he refused to let me reject him and since he's alpha I had no choice, but oh thank god your okay you don't even know how worried I've been. Omg Callum marked you he finally marked you" she said jumping up and down.
"Ghosh calm down" I exclaimed at her behaviour. Immediately she stopped bouncing around, I burst out laughing, "I'm so going to have to fix this alpha thing."
"There is nothing to fix you'd be the perfect alpha." Callum said coming up behind me and rapping me in his arms kissing me on the cheek. "Please I'm tired and I really need a shower" I said escaping his arms and running up stairs to the bathroom.

I scrubbed every part of my body till it shone. I jumped out of the bathroom and slid on some underwear not bothering about cloths I was just going to sleep anyway. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Callum sitting on the bed his hair damp from the shower, he was only in a pair of shorts. I stood there staring transfixed by him again. Hey people don't judge he sure is a hot one. Callum looked up at me when he noticed me staring, and may I just say if you've got a werewolf mate be careful what you wear covering up is a food idea or you end up in a position like me. Well not that I mind I actually quite liked it, again people don't judge. Callum was on top of me on the bed growling lowly his eyes pour black in lust. I giggled and pulled his head down kissing him. Now before I go one lets just say we ended up doing a lot more than kissing if you people get the message.

I woke grumbling and tried to roll over try the main word here since Callum had his fat ass self on top of me. I poked him in the face until he woke up, "what?" he grumbled.
"I need to get up mister fat ass then I want to do something"
"Fine then and by the way I'm not fat I'm muscly and muscle ways more than fat" he said rolling of me. I blushed wildly when I realised I still had no cloths on before Callum could notice I ran into the bathroom and had a shower.

When I jumped out I pulled on a pair of ripped jeans, knee high boots and a dark blue of the shoulder shirt. Yes I'm starting to wear more colours then black. "Hey Call" I said when I walked out. He was now sitting on the arm chair reading a book in jeans and a grey shirt. "Mmm" he said not looking up from the book. Pouting at his lack of attention to me I walked over and sat on his lap so he couldn't read the book anymore. Sighing he put the book down and turned his attention to me. "Yes little one"
"Fist of all I'm little second of all I'd like to see my family now that I've gotten my memory back"
"Okay that sounds good"
"And I'd like you to come with me"
"What? why?" he said sounding scared of seeing my family.
"Hey I met your parents on my second day here" I reasoned.
"Urh fine I guess but on one condition"
"What?" I said sounding a little scared.
"That we take my motorbike" he said grinning.
"Okay fine but before we go I'd like to talk about this alpha thing"
"Theres nothing to talk about your alpha thats it"
"But I'm not a wolf" I said trowing my hands in the air.
"What does that mean any random can just take over a wolf pack?"
"No. Your mated to a wolf and that makes you able to have these sort of positions" he said.
"But what if I say I don't want to be alpha didn't you always want to be the alpha?"
"Didn't every wolf alive?" he said sarcastically
"I'd happily give the position to you" I offered.
"That'd mean I'd have to kill you for a werewolf to become alpha they have to kill the previous alpha thats how it works"
"And what if the alpha just passed away?" I said suddenly interested in the subject and excepting the fact that I was alpha now and would be till the day I die. "Well then the position would pass to the most dominant wolf most often that would be the beta or omega" he said. "Now are we going to go or not do you how long its been since I last rode my little baby."

I sat on the back of Callum's motorbike with my arms wrapped around his waist as I gave him directions to my house? I don't know if its my house anymore I'd classify the bush as more my house but anyway lets just roll with it. We pulled up the gravel driveway that was lined by apple trees.

I fiddled with my tombs as I stood waiting for the door to be answered. Butterflies in my stomach made it hard for me to stand sill as I awkwardly moved my wings like a person would hop from one foot to the other when nervous. Don't ask me why I was like this they were my family at the end of the day but I just couldn't help my self. What if they forgot me like I forgot them? Would they even recognise me after so long? Was this even a good idea or should I just leave? "Hey honey it's okay" Callum said reassuringly placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and took a deep breath when the door was answered. I smiled awkwardly when I saw my sister standing there. "Hey Tilley" I said waving shyly. She just stared at me trying to place who I was. "Who-" she began before I cut her off.
"It's me Eclipse" Her eyes widened in shock and recognition before she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "My little sissy oh your back finally thank the goddess your back" she screamed.
"Who is it Tilley?" mum yelled from down the hall.
"Oh come in come in" she said pulling me inside and down the hall to the kitchen where mum was making some lunch.

"Mum Eclipse is back" Tilley said proudly. After a whole round of hugs and yelling they finally settled down enough to notice Callum standing awkwardly behind me quietly growling. He pulled me to his chest defensively, which can I just say got some weird looks. "Who is he?" dad said giving Callum a look like what the fuck do you think your doing with my daughter. "This is Callum he's my mate" I said from his embrace.
"And he's a werewolf" Chris said giving Callum a sceptical look.
"Yes" Callum said speaking for the first time, "gotta problem with that" he said starting to get defensive.
"No no of cause not dear" my mum said patting him on the shoulder. "Just shift for us would you"
"Why?" I said for Callum.
"Because I'm curious thats all you seem very defensive over him honey why?"
"Cause first of all he's my mate and second of all he's in my pack and it's my duty to protect my pack"
"Your pack"
"Yes my pack" I said explaining the situation mean while Callum was lying down on the floor looking seriously bored in his wolf form. "You've got a beautiful wolf Callum" Tilley commented which for some unknown reason made me growl at her. "You've been spending to much time with wolves" she said putting her hands in the air. "Hey do you know where I could find Chloe?" I asked them.
"Uh she came around to drop of the lemons I asked her mum for then she said she was going for a fly" mum said. I knew exactly what that meant. "I'll talk to you guys later" I said running out the back and flying off leaving Callum behind.

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