Chapter 12

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Eclipse's POV

The door to my cell unlocked startling me awake from my uncomfortable slumber. "Hello gorgeous," some man said sliding into the room and locking the door behind him. "What time is it?" I said looking around for any sign of a clock or window. "Late." the man said walking up towards me I started backing away with each step he took. I backed into the wall and the smile on the mans face was devilish. He held me in place with one and by my waist. Slowly moving his other hand down along my thigh. They did this last time I was hear I was only 16 yet they still did it. He lifted his hand from my thigh and started undoing my dress. I struggled and fought but he was so damn strong. My dress fell from my body pooling around my feet, I tried in vain to cover my self up. The man growled lowly his eyes turning dark at the sight of me standing there in all my naked glory. The man pushed me to the floor before hoping on top of me I struggled snapped at him did everything in my power to get him off but he was one determined fucker. I'm sure I ended up defining him with my screams and cries of pain both emotional and physical.

Callum's POV

I woke with a start pain erupting through my body looking at my watch I saw that it was midnight. I clutched at my self crying out at the pain coursing threw my body. What the hell are they doing to her down there my mate my little angel mate. They are raping my baby how dare they touch what's mine it felt like I could almost hear her cries from here even though she was far bellow ground. I ran up to the metal door and started yanking wildly at it trying to pry it open with little success. In pure anger I punched the door with all my might and was surprise to see the massive dent on the door from where my fist struck. Stunned I pulled my fist back and hit the metal it snapped clean leaving a hole large enough for my hand. I reached down and clicked the lock and slid down through the hatch. Werewolf strength you never now how strong you are till you test it. I heard Alette follow me into down into the compound. The pain was still present making my body numb but I was determined to find my mate. When I reached the bottom of the hole I shifted into my wolf and let my senses guide me threw the ever twisting corridors.

Eclipse's POV

I don't know how long I lay there huddled in a ball my back pressed painfully against the wall. Tears poured down my face I felt like I went against Callum. What if he felt that threw the bond? Would he think I'm going against him? The mere thought of that of him thinking that and leaving me made me cry out again. My face still stung from where the man beat me when ever I tried to get him off me. I felt so weak laying there but when David walked in to collect me for his experiment I lashed out.

I shot up of the ground and launched myself at him new strength rushing though me. David shifted into his dark brown wolf growling at me viciously but it was nothing compared to the enraged noises that were escaping my mouth. I heard a screech of in the distance followed by growls Callum's sent filling my nose. Happiness and strength collided into me like a tsunami. All my focus was on David who was pacing towards me when he leapt at me I twisted out of the way picked up a chain laying across the floor and swung it around his throat. David collapsed to the ground struggling to get out of the chains death grip. I sat on his back pulling the chain taunt, his struggles became weaker and weaker until soon he lay still underneath me. I rolled of him and lay on the floor panting hard. Callum came racing around the corner into the room my heart skipped a beat when I laid eyes in him. He shifted and ran over to me pulling me into his arms holding me close. "Baby oh my baby" he said tilting my face looking deep in my eyes. I cupped his face in my hands pulling him close till our lips collided. He kissed my neck where he was supposed to mark me and before I new it he bit me. The room spun and I felt everything he felt, relief, anguish, pleasure and most of all thankful, thankful that I was alive and I was now his for ever. He pulled back a small smile playing on his face. Well until he saw my face.

The room was spinning wildly images flashing before my eyes, a girl with wild light almost blonde brown hair, tan skin and pretty brown eyes, she has pretty white wings curled up behind her I see my self laughing with her sitting cross legged on a bed. I see a woman looks to be about in her 40's deep brown hair and blue eyes its not clear in the image but it looks like she has wings but to me it looks just like a dark smudge behind her. I see a man about the same age as the woman with black hair and green eyes, in this image it is clear that he has large black wings. Then I see two boys who have the same features as the man and woman and one looks to be around 18 and the other 15. There is also a girl how looks a lot like me but younger maybe about 16 she's holding a little puppy Kelpie. I see other things too a house on a large property a brown horse and a school. I open my eyes to see Callum looking down at me worry clear in his eyes. "I remember" was all I said those images the were my memories everything came back to me. My best friend Chloe she's a day angel, my mum, my dad, my brothers John who would be 22 now and Chris who would be 19, my sister who would be 20 now. My home, my old horse who we had to sell so that we could pay the bills, my school and the new puppy we got called Juno. I shot up to my feet smiling and jumping around "my memory its back Callum its back I remember everything oh thank the goddess above I remember!" Callum jumped up from the floor and engulfed me in a hug, "come lets go home" he said picking me up bridal style.

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