Chapter 7

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When I woke up Callum was still fast asleep face down in the pillow snoring away one foot hanging over the side of the bed and one arm laying over me. Pushing his arm away I muttered, "bloody starfish" and made my way to the bathroom. After my shower Callum was still asleep so I decided to hang out with Annabeth and Gemma for the day. Walking into the wardrobe I pulled on a red beach dress, black leggings and red converses, then shoved my hair in a messy pony tail not bothering to brush or dry it.

When I arrived down stairs Annabeth and Gemma were chatting away. Last night I found out that they were practically sisters Annabeth had helped take care of Gemma when she was a baby. So the two have grown to be best friends despite the age gap Annabeth was 20 and Gemma was 14. I guess I had joined the group now. Annabeth was flipping some bacon and Gemma was mixing a pancake batter. "Hey" I called when I walked into the kitchen. When Annabeth looked up she just stopped and stared at me, "what do I have something on my face?" I asked self consciously.
"No this is the first time I've seen you in a colour other than black" Annabeth exclaimed.
"Seriously you get all excited about that?"
"Yes!" I just shook my head and made my way over to the fridge and poured my self a glass of orange juice. "Is Callum still asleep" Annabeth said changing the subject.
"Yeah like a walrus, but then that would b offensive to walrus's"
"Ha same as David just sleeps and sleeps till about 12 then just goes to his office comes out at 6 has diner then bed again I swear most days he doesn't even say one word to me, his mate!"
"I hope my mate isn't going to be like that" Gemma said whilst turning the pancake.
"Well next year you have the chance of finding them"
"I know! I want to find them but then at the same time I enjoy being single like mates are so over protective seriously we can look after our selves"
"Yeah those damn males" I said plopping down on the bar stool.
"I was going for a run yesterday morning and I over heard a conversation between this couple and the guy was yelling saying, 'you can't go and do training thats the guys job all you do is stay home and do the house chores like a good girl I'm always having to protect you make sure you don't go and fight when theres a rouge attack cause you can't fight when I come home there better be diner on the table for me!' and with that he walked out slamming the door behind him it was outrageous" we stood there starring at her with our mouths open. "How could a guy be so damn sexist" I yelled.
"It is beyond me the poor girl was crying so hard I wanted nothing better to do than go beat the crap out of that guy and show him what we're made of"
"Oh yeah hun mmmhum" Annabeth said sassily clicking her fingers. "The only reason always cook the food is because I like doing it its a hobby of mine."

We ate our breakfast talking about ways we could kick that guys ass for fun. "Hey you wanna go for a run" I called putting the last plate in the dishwasher and turning it on. "Oh yeah babe" Gemma said running out side Annabeth on her heels me following close behind. When we got out side they quickly shifted Annabeth's wolf was a light grey colour with darker patches, Gemma was a light sandy colour. They quickly took o towards the forest and I flew after them.

We ended up resting at a little spring slashing around in the water Annabeth and Gemma still in wolf form. Alette came diving out of the sky landing on my shoulder, Gemma cocked her head at me. "This is Alette my falcon" I said stroking her feathers.
"She's pretty" Gemma said walking forward to pat her. When Gemma stretched out her hand Alette screeched flapping her wings wildly and Gemma quickly pulled her hand back. "She doesn't like strangers I guess" I said shrugging.
"Where have you been!" Callum's voice yelled from behind me. I whirled around to face a furious looking mate. "I just went to hang out with my friends"
"With out telling me!"
"What do you need to know where I am 24/7"
"No you don't I can go and do whatever I want with out telling you!" I yelled getting mad I was literally shaking oh this guy was dead mess with me at wrong time. I walked up to him and punched him hard in the jaw, I heard a crack and he went sprawling on the ground clutching his face. "If you want me to like you than you best lift your game and stop acting like a little kid grow up you don't fucking need to know where I am all the time or are you a stalker for all I know if I told you what I'm doing you'd probably spy on me!"

Callum's POV

It hurt having her yell at me like this when she punched me there was only hatred in her eyes. I was on the ground with a broken jaw listening to her yell at me venting all her feelings all her anger from the past few days. "... you had no right to take me away I may be your mate but that doesn't change a thing"
"You haven't been all that nice to me either" I grunted through the pain in my jaw, "you haven't told me anything about you you haven't told me the most important thing what happened to you"
"No you did not bring that up now you did not I fucking hate you I hate your species I hate every one I liked it being alone and I would like it to stay that way, forever!" She flew of before I could stop her but I didn't have the strength to anyway she just rejected me and it hurt. I looked up and my sister looked at me shaking her head holding up her hand silencing me. Luna looked at me with disgust in her eyes anger at me, "she'll die with out my protection" I said a tear falling down my face my mate my angel needs me how can she survive by her self? "She can look after her self what do you think she's done for the last four years!" luna yelled at me kicking me in the stomach and walking off Gemma following behind her after kicking me as well. I sat there shacking for hours till the sun started to set and I was called my alpha.

Eclipse's POV

I flew away back to my home how dare he I waited to see what Annabeth and Gemma would do but when he said that I couldn't look after my self that was the last straw I left vowing to never come back. So now I sat at the top of my tee starring out at the ocean and city before me. I had burned my cloths and was now back in my normal angel attire, I didn't want any part of that place. Some people are meant to be alone for ever some people are meant to have no one, no one to understand them no one to share there deepest darkest secrets to. I was one of those people I may have Alette she's my best friend a good friend but she's a bird who could never understand me who could never be the real best friend. What I need right now is solitude sweet sweet solitude. I will forever be alone outside in this harsh, harsh world. No tears shed I calmed my mind and just enjoyed watching the sun set as I did every night. Night fall was my favourite time it was when I felt more alive I often considered becoming nocturnal but I could never sleep in the day. As a night angel darkness and night was our favourite thing it brought peace. So when the sun started to rise I felt empty inside ones more.

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