Chapter 5

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I sat on the edge of the bed staring daggers at Callum I hated him, stop hating for gods sake and go over there and be his mate, my angelic brain yelled at me. But every time I laid eyes on his face I remembered, groaning I flopped back on the bed. I felt something cold and wet against my leg when I looked down I glared seeing Callum in his wolf form muzzle my leg. -I should introduce you to the pack- he said in my mind. "Since when could you link me?"
-Since the day the goddess chose you as my mate-
"Shut up" I said kicking him.
-Come come-
"No I came with you now you shut up" he whimpered looking up at me with puppy eyes, tung hanging out of his mouth and tail swishing back and forth on the ground. "Yay your actually doing something good keep dusting the floor and I'll give you a doggy treat" I said patting him on the head. He immediately stopped wagging and glared at me -I'm not a dog-
"Oh hate to break it to you but you are" he growled and licked my leg. "You son of a bitch" I exclaimed wiping the slobber of.
-Thanks for reminding me-
"What did I remind you?"
-That I'm the son of a bitch-
"Oh see you are a dog"
-Hurry up and follow me already-
"What you going to black mail me again"
-I may do-
"Its illegal"
"Oh my god your hopeless" I said getting up and walking over to the door. "You coming?" He got up and bounded over to me running circles around me. "Stop it" I said kicking him down the stairs, he landed at the bottom on his ass in human form, "Are you. Coming" he said looking up at me from the ground I was still at the top of the stairs laughing. "Oh yeah" I flew down the stairs.
"And why can't you walk?"
"Pff walkings over rated"
"Flyings over rated"
"Dude worst come back ever"
"Aww are we warming up to me now"
"No" truth was, I was. I was still scared of what his pack would do but I think I was starting to trust him so far he hasn't broken his word. "And who is this beta" a man said walking up to us.
"Alpha, this is my mate" Callum said bowing to him.
"Ahh so we best introduce our crescent to the pack then shall we"
"Umm actually now I'm not so much in the mood" I said backing away.
"Oh yes you are" the alpha said grabbing my hand and dragging me. I let out a scream my eyes going wide memories flooding through my mind. Callum pulled me to him stroking my hair, "shh shh its okay nobodies going to hurt you its fine" he whispered in my ear. "Maybe another day alpha" he said leading me back upstairs. Once we were back in his room I sprinted to the walk in wardrobe and locked my self in side not bothering with the light. Alette sat next to me and I hear Callum lean against the door on the other side, "please Eclipse why wont you tell me whats wrong" I shook my head and sobbed harder why moon goddess why. I heard the door open and a voice, "what is wrong with your mate beta?" the voice yelled. I hate this guy hate him nobody and I mean nobody says that about me. I threw the door open and yelled, "nothing is wrong with me you just are a rude little-" I started to say before Callum rapped his hands around my waist pulling me back. "Alpha I apologise for her out burst she's just a little stressed at the moment I sincerely apologise on her behalf if you'd forgive her"
"Urh I'll forgive her but she better learn respect for her alpha or she is dead" at the word dead I scream and ran to the other side of the room. "Can't a man speak with out having some one scream"
"You you sound like. him." I stuttered from behind the bed.
"Like who?" The alpha said.
"A a nobody" I stuttered, "I need to go to the the toilet sorry bye" I said running into the bathroom.

"I'm going to sleep" I said to Callum pulling a pillow and blanket of the bed and curling up in the corner.
"What are you doing?" he said confused.
"Going to bed like I said"
"Theres a bed for a reason you sleep in it"
"But where would you sleep?"
"In the bed come" he said patting the space next to him.
"Oh no no no I'm fine on the floor"
"Don't be difficult" he got up and picked me up putting me in the bed pulling the sheets over us and holding me to his chest with his face buried in my neck.
"No I'm definitely good on the floor"
"Shut up and go to sleep"
"I'm sick"" I said fake coughing.
"Pa- lease don't take me for an idiot"
"Oh I didn't I took you for a retard"
"Would you stop being difficult and go to sleep" groaning I closed my eyes and tried to get to sleep for reason I found his presence comforting. It seemed I wasn't getting away from him so I might as well cooperate.

Callum's POV

My angel slept peacefully next to me I didn't fall asleep for ages as I spent most of the night looking down at her peaceful face. Every fibre in my body that was wolf told me to 'mark' her so everyone in the pack knew she was mine, but I had to wait for her to like me. I had my arm resting around her waist, my head in her neck breathing in her sent, her wing draped over my which felt weird the feathers soft and warm seemed so fragile but they were tuff and rigid. What happened today was odd Eclipse broke down crying when alpha grabbed her wrist. Then when alpha offended her she just cracked at him I swear it was like she was on her time of month or something. I didn't realise that I was talking out loud until Eclipse said, "oh you don't even want to know what I'm like when I'm on my period that was nothing" she snuggled closer into the pillow and went back to sleep. I gulped remind me not to mess with this one she has attitude and man to I like attitude in a girl just so damn sexy, yum. Ghosh I was sounding like my 14 year old sister babbling away about some actors like Channing Tatum and Theo James I think they were. Yeah shut up Callum bad Callum bad go to sleep before you go mad and start liking one direction. My sister hates them with a passion its actually really funny listening to her gossip with her friends you pick up valuable information. And finally my crazy sleep deprived brain stopped rambling and feeling like a beached whale I fell asleep still seriously worrying about my sanity.

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